One Day. One Community.

How’s it going, Terriers?

It’s getting nice out (lol, sort of…) so it’s time get out of your winter hibernation and starting DOING things. Go outside. Get involved. Maybe make a difference… But how?

viewerThis year, BU’s CSC is pushing to make its Global Day of Service bigger and better than ever here in Boston and is calling out to all Terriers to help in the effort to improve our community. According to the event’s WEBSITE, GDS focuses on: “Helping people in crisis, fostering equality, rescuing animals and protecting the environment. The Boston University community is rooted in service—and that tradition has grown every year since BU’s 1839 founding.”

Community service has always been important at BU, but often times we work on so many separate projects that we overlap on dates and missions, blocking one another from reaching our full potential. GDS wants to be the one day (April 16, 2011) where we work TOGETHER, on the same project, and show the community what Terriers can really do.

So are you interested? You should be. The GDS takes place in tons of cities around the world with a variety of missions, so be sure to register online by APRIL 6th and become a part of this incredible movement. Also look for them on Twitter!

We really can be ONE BU, so let’s pull together and do something. Keep being you, BU, and I’ll see you out there.


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