Boston’s Best of… “Froyo!”

Good morning, Terriers.

Today’s the first day of the SCOOPER BOWL and good thing considering it’s going to reach 85 degrees… And in honor of our favorite icy treats, I thought we’d settle an unanswered question once and for all: Who sells the best Frozen Yogurt in Boston!?!

The last time I tried to figure this out via our Twitter account I received a variety of opinions, but the three leading froyo locations were most definitely:

I didn't miss free Berryline on Newbury last week!

I didn't miss free Berryline on Newbury last week! It was the store's grand opening.

But that’s not all our awesome city has to offer on the froyo front—have you ever indulged with Angora’s or Mixx’s selections? I’m sure there are others as well and we want to know what’s THE BEST (if it’s even possible to decide).

So here’s what you’re going to do for me, Terriers. You’re going to get out there and try everything out, and then report back to me with a comment on this blog post. Once we overhaul the website design of BU FYI, we’re going to have a “tab” dedicated to “Noms” and we’ll be sure to get write-ups posted for each place you tell us is worthwhile.

So go eat some serious Froyo and while you’re out there, keep being you, BU.



Reese posted on June 7, 2011 at 9:28 am


Marni posted on June 7, 2011 at 9:36 am


Cristina posted on June 9, 2011 at 9:56 am

I have previously been an advocate for BerryFreeze, but these days I’m nommin on Mixx so hard. MIXX #ftw

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