Summer 2011 Welcomes Terriers 2015

Good morning, Terriers!

Today is a special day as it marks the kickoff of Session 1 of this summer’s BU Orientation! From now until the beginning of classes, we will be welcoming the entire freshman class to campus, showing them the places, people and resources they will have at their fingertips as they transition into true BU Terriers.


To facilitate this project, BU’s Orientation Office has hired its new summer staff—a load of smiling, excited and passionate students ready to inspire the entering freshmen. Be sure to say hi to them! They’re hard to miss, walking around in their snazzy red orientation shirts and holding their group signs. And look out for our Summer Staff Video Blog coming later this week as a special introduction to future orientation sessions.

Alright, everyone, have an awesome day and get ready to welcome your new classmates! And keep an eye to twitter for special events like SCVNGR! (Search #0tation11 for more Orientation tweets!)

Until next time, keep being you, BU!


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