A (Slap)Shot at History

Hey there, Terriers!

I hope everyone is having an awesome week. I just celebrated my 21st birthday, so you know I’m happy. More exciting, however, is the Bruins’ chance at claiming the Stanley Cup—a feat that has evaded Beantown fans since 1972. It all comes down to tonight’s battle: Game #7.


It’s been a thrilling journey to tonight’s match. The Bruins leveled things up with the Canucks two nights ago with an impressive 5-2 victory here in their home town, but the final game will be away at Roger’s Arena: a place the Bruins have failed to win at in their past three attempts.

So, Terriers, I want to see you all crammed in front of televisions, at bars and pubs, outside in the streets, parading with black and gold in honor of the Bruins’ shot at history.

See you all at the championship parade! Until then, keep being you, BU.


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