Mysterious Rib Festival (?)

Hey there, Terriers!

The other day I was walking through Government Center when I noticed a huge festival being set up in the Plaza just outside the T-Station. The signs there raved about a huge Rib Festival going on Friday-Sunday this weekend. Sounds absolutely decicious.

imagesI got so excited about the event, I came home with intentions of blogging it for you, but alas… I can’t find any information on it! Duhn duhn duhn.

So, Terriers, if you are feeling adventurous, head on down to Government Center this weekend to see if you can get your hands on some serious BBQ noms. If you get in and it’s as awesome as it sounds, take some pictures and tweet them at us!

Until next time, keep being you, BU.


One Comment

Tricia posted on June 23, 2011 at 4:57 pm

I saw this too! It’s Phantom Gourmet’s BBQ Beach Party! The event features the best grill teams from all over the world, coming from as far as Australia. Check it out!

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