Getting Sandy

Good morning, Terriers! 284031_10150245884402665_518847664_7599328_2648351_n

Tired of the lack of “beachiness” that the BU Beach has to offer? Don’t have a car for a real summer getaway? It’s time you just hop on the T and check out some of the hotspots Boston has to offer. Yes, there are beaches accessible by T, and though they might not match the crystal waters of the Carribbean (lol, not even close…) they still provide great summer fun for those hot, lazy days.

This past Friday my friend and I decided to spend a few hours at one of the most frequently visited beaches in the area: Revere. Located on the blue line and only 30-40 minutes away, it’s an easy spot to reach if you have a few hours to kill and some sun to soak in. Lucky for us, Revere was hosting an international sand sculpting contest when we arrived!



So what’s my suggestion to you, Terriers? Go online, start looking for nearby beaches and let us know what’s cool and what’s not. There are plenty of places to try—you just have to do a little searching. My next stop will be the beaches at Orient Heights on the blue line. They seemed less crowded than Revere and had a nice view of the airport.

Besides, who needs Pelicans when you have Jets, am I right?

Keep being you, BU, and enjoy the heat wave.


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