Staying Cool in the Hot Hot Heat

Hey Terriers!

Despite my awful reference to my fantastic middle school music selection, another atrocity is hitting the city in the form of a sweat inducing heat wave. So what can you do to beat the unlawful Comm Ave heat? Well, assuming you’re not one of the lucky who lives the life of luxury with AC, there are plenty of little secret, and not so secret ways to stay cool at BU! Heres my abridged (and appropriate) list of ways to avoid the sweltering sun.

1. Embrace your inner bronzed god/goddess.

I told you it's beautiful at night.

I told you it's beautiful at night.

The docks along the Charles River are prime for getting that perfect just-got-back-from-maui tan. And bonus, the docks and the esplanade itself always get the amazing breeze off the river, so you can pay your tribute to the Sun Gods without actually baking. The docks are one of my favorite little spots along BU’s campus, and a beautiful place to cool off and watch the sunset at night. So while you might not necessarily want to fry in the heat during the day, I do recommend staking out a spot in the evening.

2. Find tree, take nap.

Mason Square

Hidden in South Campus is the gem that is Mason Square. This is a beautiful little park reserved for peace and quiet. It’s the perfect place to take a nap under the shade of one of the numerous trees or cool off with your novel of choice. However beware, the squirrels are intimidatingly friendly; and the hipsters, well, just the opposite.

3. Drink tons o’ water!



This should be a no-brainer, but hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Not only will you stay cooler with your 8 glasses of H2O, but you’ll also stay alive. WIN WIN!

4. Get a fan, or five.

This is the most ridiculous picture I could find. You're welcome.

This is the most ridiculous picture I could find. You're welcome.

For those of us who have sweltering apartments, a fan is man’s best friend (sorry pups!). But in this kind of heat, the best fan is one that is not alone. Preferably one swooping your entire room and another that conveniently blasts your face with cool air while you snooze. And for my fellow lady terriers, another fan directed at your head helps avoid turning into a Carrie Bradshaw lookalike while you get ready.

So BU, tell me how you keep cool! And if it has anything to do with putting my sheets/pillowcases/clothes in the freezer, forget about it. I prefer that my linens and frozen peas to live separate but happy lives.

Keeping it classy,



Emma posted on July 20, 2011 at 3:38 pm

Thanks for the tips Abbey. I’m definitely going to keep working on my tan in this heat!

Celie posted on July 20, 2011 at 3:58 pm

My tip for summer @ BU: head over to Bed Bath and Beyond and sit in the middle of their fans section. A favorite activity of o-tation leaders and DOS PA’s everywhere. 😀

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