The Facts: Partying in Allston

Hey Terriers,

budweiser-bottle-lightsLet’s reel things in a minute and get honest about BU’s nightlife. Students, whether above or below the legal drinking age, know where to go if they want to take part in some not-so-legal partying. I’m not saying everyone does it, because there are many students who prefer other activities, but if you’re looking to go out,  almost everyone who attends BU is familiar with one part of our community: Allston.

We’ve all been to the GAP and I’m not talking about the clothing store. Gardner, Ashford and Pratt are hot-spots for evening gatherings during the weekend and during the first few months of school you can guarantee seeing hordes of freshman (traveling in packs of 20) enjoying their youthful freedom.


Boston Police, not just BUPD, are always looking to crack down. You can’t fault them; it’s their job. If you don’t want to get in trouble, don’t do stupid things. It’s hard being a student and hearing that one of your classmates was arrested for urinating on a police car when you do all you can to be responsible with your decisions.

If a cop enters the party you’re at and tells you to put down your drinks, do it. You’re not impressing anyone by chugging a beer in front of the cop and winding up in handcuffs. No matter what you’ve learned from movies, games and tv shows, it’s not cool to stand up to a cop who’s doing their job. Just roll with it.

So, my fellow Terriers. When you go out this weekend, be smart. Have a drink if that’s the risk you want to take, but don’t get out of control and embarrass yourself by ending up in judicial affairs (or worse, jail).

For now, keep being you, BU, and have a good time.


One Comment

Indianapolis Jiu Jitsu posted on September 17, 2011 at 9:48 am

Good points!! The cops will not share your party going enthusiasm.

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