Ring The Alarm

First things first: I cannot believe it’s taken me this many months to work a song title into a blog post. I’m kind of disappointed in me.

Now, on to my blog. As I’m sure many of you know, Boston University has a university-wide alert system that gets activated in the case of an emergency on campus. Ringing true to our blog title, here is your FYI of the day – tomorrow, October 12th, BU is going to be conducting an university-wide test of the system.

No, she doesn't run the University Alert System, but...I like to pretend that she does.

No, she doesn't run the University Alert System, but...I like to pretend that she does.

It’s something that the U.S. Department of Education requires us to do annually.  All students should have provided BU with an up-to-date e-mail address and cell phone number.  Tomorrow, at 10:50 AM, don’t be surprised if you get a few texts, a phone call, and an email from the BU Alert system. (Anyone who’s ever had a clingy ex-girlfriend has probably been through something similar.)

If  for some reason you don’t get contacted,  and don’t receive the test messages tomorrow,  you should go ahead and email swn@bu.edu with the message “Failed to receive SWN alert.”

Oh, and if your Wednesday schedule finds you in a class with a professor who’s really strict about cell phones going off, you might want to put your phone on vibrate around 10:50 AM. Although…you never know…their phone might go off, too.

(Pssst…if you want any additional information about the System Test, BU Today has a great article up.)

Until next time, darlin’ Terriers,



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