Biking in the Bean

Hey there Terriers,

In case your not on campus this summer, some new bike stations have popped up around campus. These stations are part of Hubway, a new bike sharing program in Boston, brought to you by New Balance. The Hubway system essentially allows riders to jump on a bike, ride it wherever they want, and drop it off at another station. Operating three seasons of the year, Hubway is not only affordable, but any ride with under a 30-minute ride time is free. That means the next time the B Line isn’t working and the 57 is no where in sight, you can jump on a Hubway bike and get to anywhere in an eco-friendly and simple way.

For more information on the Hubway system, check out these articles from The City of Boston, The Phoenix, and

Be sure to look for at least 5 Hubway stations across campus this fall! Check the Station Map for more information.

See you in the bike lane,


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