New Views of BU

Great news BU!

Good things are coming to the blog. And by good things I mean Tumblr. If you’re like me and would rather look through thousands of photos as you ooh and ahh instead of reading, then this is fantastic news. Each week our savvy little blog team is going to be posting photos inspired by Dean Elmore‘s magic hat of words. Like the pros we are, we’ll produce beautiful photos (or Instagrams..mostly Instagrams…) inspired from thought provoking words such as “muse,” “inception,” and “french fries.” Yes, even caloric greasy stems of potato can be artsy and insightful.

Best of all, you will be able to see BU through a whole new perspective. Not to mention, you’ll be able to see our personalities in vivid color (read as, expect a lot of miraculously Maine inspired photos from Julia).

"Excuse me? Did you want something?"

"Excuse me? Did you want something?"

In the meantime, check out College Problems(started by a BU student!) to well, in a way, prepare yourselves for the fall. Or, if bright colors and text is not your cup of tea, try searching Tumblr for Boston to get cozy with our beloved city. And definitely make sure to check out the Dean of Students Flikr page to see what’s happening!

Have your own view of Boston? Leave a comment with your link and we’ll be sure to check it out!

Don’t cry too hard waiting for my amahhhzing Holga-hipstamatic-instagramtastic photos BU.


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