Celebrating Division Day

Well hey there.

Here at the Dean of Students Office we’ve decided that greeting card companies and the United States Government do not have exclusive rights to creating holidays. We’re trying it out today.

Happy Division Day! Today, we celebrate. We take a look at where we’ve been, how we’re doing, and where we’re going. We listen and chat and present and critique and eat. There’s lots of eating.

So, you may ask, what’s the cause for celebration? Well, the Division of Student Affairs is made up of departments based entirely around the quality of life for students at our university.  Here’s a bit about what we do…

We work to enhance the quality, character, and perspectives of our students through orientation, mentoring, and counseling programs. We promote an environment that encourages intellectual exchange and individual expression. By offering these programs and a rich residential environment where students can interact with each other, faculty, staff, and other adults, we strive to help students develop and succeed both personally and academically.

You’re probably noticing a pattern…”we…” “we…” “we…”…so who’s the “we”? Here’s a breakdown of our division (aka all the lucky folks who get to celebrate Division Day)…

Division Tree

So that’s us! The Division of Student Affairs! Including the Dean of Students Office, the Student Activities Office, the Community Service Center, the Office of Disability Services, the Howard Thurman Center, the Office of Career Services, the Educational Resource Center, the Office of Residence life, and the Office of Orientation.

Happy Division day!!

Terrier Love,


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