Career Fairs…Not Just For Seniors!

Picture it:  hundreds, maybe even thousands, of potential employers and job seekers squashed into Metcalf, fighting for one anothers’ attention and handing out resumes left and right in the hopes of finding a job in this worrisome economy.

Maybe it terrifies you. Maybe you love it. Either way, elbows up, people! is coming to town on Tuesday and their career fair is not just for seniors. is a great resource for those seeking jobs in non-profits, but it’s also a fantastic source for internships. In fact, many of the organizations coming to the career fair on Tuesday  (more than 100!) are seeking exclusively unpaid interns.
So, whether you’re a senior, living in fear of that first week of may, or you’re a freshman, sophomore, or junior, home-free for at least one more year, you should be there!

You can click here for more information, visit the career services website, or just show up at Metcalf Ballroom on Tuesday February 23rd between 11:00am and 3:00pm with resumes in hand!

If you’re feeling nervous or looking for more advice, career services has great info sheets on their website about resumes, cover letters, and career fairs.

Also, please remember that this career fair is not exclusive to Boston University students, and it will probably be busy all day…leave yourself plenty of time to meet potential employers and please be respectful of others waiting in line and milling throughout Metcalf.

Good luck on finding an internship or (gulp) finding a job!

Terrier love,


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