A Final Post on My Last Day

Marsh Plaza, 2009

It’s my last day here in the Dean of Student’s Office. Hard to believe that after an incredible four years at BU,  my time here is almost over.  I’m looking forward to a change, to moving to a place I don’t know and trying out a new and challenging career.  But I have to admit, I really will stay tied to BU.

In true upper-classman/senior fashion, I am going to leave you with some advice.

  • To Prospective Students:  It may sound cliche, but coming to BU was the best decision I’ve ever made. In high school, my adviser told me to choose a school where I’d, “be excited and inspired from freshman through senior year” and where I’d, “never get bored.” You won’t ever be bored at BU, and I am living proof that you can still be inspired as a senior, straight through the last week of classes.
  • To Freshmen:  Professors matter. Being close with several of my professors here at BU has made a huge difference in both my time here and my post-graduation plans. So take small classes, go to office hours, and get to know your professors. Trust me, it’s worth it. Also, be willing to let go. You’ll move through majors, jobs, even groups of friends while you’re here.  That’s okay. You’re growing. Let them go.
  • To Rising Seniors: I know it’s tempting to freak out and look for a job (trust me, I applied to nearly 30), and preferably one that lets you know exactly where you’ll be the week after graduation, but I really recommend taking some time off if it’s possible for you. I have friends who are traveling, moving home, or kicking around Beantown for a while, but they are significantly more excited about graduating then the folks headed straight for a cubicle.

To everyone, try something different, something uncomfortable, something truly challenging.  From someone who has to say goodbye, don’t be afraid to say hello.

“Two roads diverged in a wood and I–I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference.”

-Robert Frost.

Terrier love,


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