Calling All Terriers!

Hey Terriers!

How’s that summer heat treating you? It’s another scorcher here in Boston, but you know what always makes me feel better? FREE STUFF.

That’s right, Terriers- free stuff. Here at the Dean of Student’s office we think it’d be best to get this blog rolling with ideas from you, the students who make this campus what it is. Sure, I could come up with a bunch of fun topics (and I promise I will) but here’s my challenge to you: Comment on the blog, email us at, or tweet at us on our Twitter account with ideas for this blog and we will award those of you whose ideas we use with a BU t-shirt or thumbdrive!

Don't you just love BU gear? Rhett does.

Don't you just love BU gear? Rhett does.

So there it is, my fellow Bostonians. Do you accept the mission? Get out there and tell us what you think is important. Did you find the best pizza in the city? Is there a festival worth noting? Let us know! And as always, keep being you, BU.


One Comment

Julia posted on June 29, 2010 at 6:00 pm

As someone who is not a Bostonian, but psyched to start being one in two months, I’m figuratively frothing at the mouth to get some input on this awesomesauce city. Thanks for running this blog! 🙂

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