Get in Motion. Make Some Moves.

Hey Terriers!

For those of you who are new to college life, and even those of you who are seasoned veterans, one thing many students want to know about their university is how to take advantage of their time on campus and how to really become successful.  We all want to make moves.

This weekend I want to share with you a little tidbit about a group of Terriers (three recent grads and one current student) who really exemplify what it means to go out and create your own future.

The group goes by Making Moves BU and aside from running FIVE BUSINESSES, they film their own YouTube-accessible show (called Making Moves). The young entrepreneurs have facebook groups, a Twitter account and all sorts of media to market themselves and attract clients.

Check it out. Looking legit, am I right?

Check it out. Looking legit, am I right?

Check out this article for more information about what these students have accomplished. Isn’t it awesome to see Terriers like you hitting it big in the real world? Just imagine what you can do!

Now, I don’t know about you all but I’m getting tired of posting textual blogs when I promised you guys more videos, so I’ll get to work on some projects to keep you all coming back for more.

As usual, keep being you, BU.


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