A Little More Magic

Buenas, Terriers.

So if you just don’t like/care/want to read more about BU Quidditch, I apologize. I swear this is the last post. For awhile. Maybe. Oops? Right…

Anyways. Just a quick little heads up for you fans. *cough* be a fan *cough* BU Quidditch will be hosting a mini tournament this Sunday at the BU Beach at 2pm. The double elimination round-robin, called the Turkey Bowl, will be match-up of BU’s four teams.

What? You don't like my art? I swear, it's an official logo. Seriously.

What? You don't like my art? I swear, it's an official logo. Seriously.

Four teams? What? I thought we only had one?

No, no, no, people. We have one world cup team, but there are more than just those 20 dedicated athletes. This year we have four fully functional inter-BU teams that duke it out for campus supremacy, and the world cup competitors are mixed about. And what would the BU league be without some high-class, cheesy, harry-potter-related names that make supporters go wild? Here’s the list:

  • The Screaming Mandrakes
  • The Hippogriffs
  • The Nargles
  • The Phoenixes

So whether it’s the “you can’t beat what you can’t see” motto of the Nargles or the “are they really named after a plant?” style of the Mandrakes, make sure to get out to the fields this weekend and cheer them on. OKAY I’M DONE!

Keep being you, BU.


One Comment

colleen posted on November 18, 2010 at 3:24 pm

i love BU quidditch and i don’t even go to BU. =)

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