My Final Advice

Hey Terriers,

Okay I lied, this isn’t my final advice, but it is my finals advice. The blog has dropped into some silence lately and, while I’m overseas and out of the loop, I’m sure it’s because of the oh-so terrifying (and unfortunately inevitable) arrival of final exams.


Duhn duhn DUHHHN.

So. Study time… Everyone gets sick of cramming in Mugar during these stressful weeks, and let’s be honest, how much work (facebook?) do you really get done in your room. So, I’m gonna give you a few other ideas. Here is a list of my 3 favorite places to study. Or, at the very least, places to sit around with friends and pretend to study. Did I say that? …Yeah.

1) The Ziskind Lounge

My absolute favorite. On the second floor of the GSU is a quiet and spacious lounge great for kicking off a study sesh in the early evening. Depending on the day, its closing time ranges from 10pm to 12pm (even later if you’re lucky) and when you’re finally kicked out ( “crap how did I only write 1 page in the last 5 hours?”) you can take the party studying over to Mugar to joyfully whither away into the early hours of the morning. If you start early enough you can grab dinner in the food court and then before it closes, stock up on monster and candy at the CityCo. Wifi access and plenty of floor space for dance/sob breaks. WARNING: This is my favorite place to study, and normally I don’t tell anyone about it. So you better not steal my seat…

Oh, Boston.

Oh, Boston.

2) Shelton “Penthouse”

This place is actually really cool. On the top floor of the Shelton residence hall you’ll find an awesome room dedicated to late night cramming. The massive windows looking out over the Charles river are so beautiful, in fact, you may opt to ditch the chem books and drag a date along. If it’s cold and snowing and you feel like a romantic (?) location to get cozy, what’s a better place than Shelton Hall, am I right? Eh!? Nothing screams love like panicking pre-med students and over-caffeinated freshmen. Seriously though, wifi, great views and plenty of room– but it fills up fast!

3) Starbucks and Panera

OK. I know these are two different things but I’m clumping them because they serve the same purpose: last minute review. If you have a group that needs some final convo about the test you’re all going to fail and you want to dodge the soul-killing glares of upperclassmen trying to study in silence, head to one of these locations. No one will care about your psychology woes as they wait patiently for their white mocha latte with 4 extra espresso shots (healthy? meh. neccessary? yes.) Wifi access, warmth, freedom to rant- what else could you need? And when it’s all said and done there is nothing like a pick-me-up broccoli cheddar bread bowl.


Well… best of luck BU. I’m currently writing a 10 page research paper in Spanish on the ways dialect formation affects our ability to communicate. See? Life could always be worse…

Keep being you, BU, and I’ll see you soon!


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