Live On In Literature

Good afternoon, Terriers,

Hope everyone is doing well. I myself have the flu (booo!) so just a friendly reminder to head over to STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES if you’re feeling a little under the weather.

redwallI just recently read that the author of one of my favorite book series, Redwall, passed away. Although not in any relation to Boston University, Brian Jacques was an incredible writer who, for me like for so many people, was a gateway to literature growing up.

Just thought I would share the news with those of you who read this amazing scholar’s works, and I invite everyone to share what their favorite childhood stories were growing up.

On a brighter note, GO BU! Good luck in the Beanpot and I’ll be blogging more with results for those of you living under rocks.

“Oh my god the beanpot is a hockey thing?”<— The most disturbing ‘Overheard at BU’ ever. Do you even go here?

Keep being you, BU, and I’ll be seeing you around.


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