BU Rocks Pt.2

Happy March, Terriers!

As promised, I am just reminding you that this Friday BU Central is putting on the BATTLE OF THE BANDS FINALE. 174855_169201219798157_1398600_n

Last weekend, BU Central hosted a variety of talented bands from all across Boston, and after your votes, four have been selected to compete in this Friday’s championship. The bands looking to win you over include:

  1. The Trish Hosein Band
  2. Canary
  3. Planckton
  4. El Frente

So head over when the doors open at 830 and get ready for a rockin night of music. For more informaiton, click HERE.

Also, give a round of applause to BU Quidditch for defeating UMass, Tufts and Emerson to win their tournament on Saturday. The Terriers were only scored on twice… IMPRESSIVE. Kudos to an awesome crowd.

Keep being you, BU, and we’ll be chatting soon.


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