Life IS Good

Heya Terriers,

Having a good SPRING BREAK? Anyone who took part in Alternative Spring Break better get in touch with me about where you went and what you did– I’m sure BU would love to hear your stories.

Anywho, I just got back from my first trip to New York City (which was wicked fun) and I’m now back in Boston, waiting for my ride back to CT for the rest of break. And where am I chilling right now? The Life is Good headquarters on Boylston Street! Cool, huh?


Yeah that’s right, I’m upstairs thumbing through a catalogue thinking about what I’d buy if I wasn’t broke. I thought this was blog worthy since there’s a Boston location where every Terrier can go and gear-up. So, check out the WEBSITE of this sick store and then head over to the nearest Life is Good at…

  • 285 Newbury Street

If anyone out there is doing something really cool over break, LET ME KNOW via Twitter, Facebook or comments!

Until then, keep being you, BU, and enjoy the rest of your spring break.


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