Dean Elmore’s Request

Good morning, Terriers

Happy April Fool’s Day! Although today is normally filled with tricks and gimmicks, let me assure you that what I’m writing right now is no joke, but rather, a request and reminder from our very own Dean Elmore. If you’ve checked (and read) the latest email from the Dean of Students Office, then this will be old news… but something tells me not all of you have been reading up.

This month, BU will be opening its doors to the admitted students for the class of 2015, giving these future Terriers a chance to decide if BU is right for them. Dean Elmore is just reminding everyone to be aware of your surroundings and do your very best to welcome these students to campus. Remember what it was like to be a senior in high school, trying to make up your mind about what you wanted to do with your future. Let’s help them see that BU is their future home.


As Dean Elmore said, “I appreciate any hospitality you’re able to extend – sharing dining spaces; helping someone looking at a map to find his or her way; and, at times, just a friendly smile and “hello” will do.  I expect our visitors may occasionally create a challenge to you getting through your routine, but I’m hoping you can join us in rolling out the Scarlet Red carpet for future members of this community.”

Keep being you, BU, and get ready to welcome the class of 2015.


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