Spring Across Boston

Good afternoon, Terriers, and happy Friday! (gotta get down on Friday…)

Another week is coming to an end, and with it goes the gloomy weather. It looks like we’re in for a boost of temperatures (maybe some rain, but whatever… it’s getting warm!) and it’s time to get outside and celebrate.

I just wanted to let you all know that I am going to be making an effort to cover some more off campus BOSTON events now that the world is starting to wake from its winter hibernation. Too many students at our university go their entire time here without venturing away from what we call The BU bubble.

Don't miss things like this: The Boston Commons in bloom.

Don't miss things like this: The Boston Commons in bloom.

So go out. Explore. Walk the esplanade a little bit farther each day. Take the T into Government Center and go a route you’ve never been. Find things. Share them here. Boston has so much to do and if we don’t go looking, we’ll miss out.

Today, I suggest taking a walk to Fenway. It’s the Sox vs the Yankees and, even if we’re off to a bad start for the season, any day can be the day to turn it around.

Take advantage of what you have here, and keep being you, BU.


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