Boston’s Best of… “Nachos!”

Hey everyone,

I know it has been awhile since I’ve blogged, but it has been a little crazy. I apologize…

To make up for it, I’m retuning to the Boston’s Best series that I know you love, and this installment is in honor of the upcoming holiday: Cinco de Mayo! (as if you’re not still worn out from Marathon Monday…)

sunsetcantinaSo what’s up for order today? NACHOS. And you know, I didn’t even take a survey for this one – I’m just going with my own gut instincts. You can argue if you so desire, but trust me, the moment you throw these tasty chips in your mouth you’ll agree: Sunset Cantina’s nachos are Boston’s Best.

Available in half, full and XXL sizes, these nachos are pretty much all you need for dinner. Of course you’ll need a refreshing margarita (or five) to go along with it, but trust me when I say it’s almost BU tradition to hit this college hotspot solely for a plate of nacho goodness.

For those of you who have SOMEHOW managed to miss the neon signs out front, Sunset Cantina is located at 916 ComAve near West Campus. I’d say a close second for amazing nachos is the plate offered at Boston Beerworks (near Fenway) but stay on campus for now and see what you think.

So get down there and nom to your heart’s content. They have an awesome selection of other meals, but I’d say start with the nachos and work your way from there.

Keep being you, BU, and we’ll talk again soon.


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