Good afternoon, Terriers!

Everyone knows that Marathon Monday is one of the greatest days of the year for Bostonians. There’s partying, socializing and a lot of international camaraderie as we cheer for all those brave enough to take on the 26 mile adventure. But there’s another marathon that takes place in our beloved city—one that doesn’t get as much publicity and recognition, but for those who are 21+, it’s (almost) as exciting.

So, my of-age readers, I present to you: The Boston Beer Marathon! GBBM_logo[1]_400

This Saturday, House of Blues will be kicking off the most epic pub crawl this city has to offer, hitting 26 of Boston’s favorite bars in a seemingly never-ending day and night of fun. CLICK HERE to purchase your event tickets and join in on one of the best deals Boston has to offer.

Seriously, at least click the website to see where the crawl goes and what goodies/freebies it has to offer. If you’re one of the lucky first 1500 people, you get a free VIKING HELMET. What? I don’t know. It just sounds cool.

Anyway, keep being you, BU and have a blast. I won’t be attending the full crawl but who knows…you might just run into me somewhere.


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