Category: Uncategorized

PopChips WINNERS Announced

Hey there, Terriers! Hope finals are going well for everyone. Those of you already done, I’m jealous/hate you. If you’re still working hard (hardly working?) and need a new place to study, check out this OLD BLOG of mine for some advice. Anyways. Let’s get to the meat of this post: announcing the winners of […]

PopChips Challenge!

Hey there, Terriers! I know we’re all excited about the end of classes (and worried about the upcoming finals…) so PopChips of Boston has worked with me to put together a little care-package competition. All you have to do is be one of the first two people to earn a perfect score on the “POP” […]

Glozell Comes to BU!?

Good morning everyone! Though I would love to sit and chat for a long time, I got home from quidditch early in the morning today and need to hit Student Health Services so I need to get going asap (we won the tournament, by the way). BUT I do want to share some news with […]

BUQ Update

Hey, everyone! Don’t mind while I give you all a little update on the BU Quidditch team. Well, after the International Quidditch Association selected BU to host the Northeast Regional tournament, plans fell through and space for fields just wasn’t available. Luckily, Hofstra University picked up the slack and this spring’s regional brawl will be […]

Boston’s Best of… “Nachos!”

Hey everyone, I know it has been awhile since I’ve blogged, but it has been a little crazy. I apologize… To make up for it, I’m retuning to the Boston’s Best series that I know you love, and this installment is in honor of the upcoming holiday: Cinco de Mayo! (as if you’re not still […]

It’s a Bird! It’s a…Boat?

Hey everyone! So I meant to get a blog up yesterday about the Relay for Life and I apologize for not getting it done, but I hope everyone who took part had a good time. Anyways, this blog is for all you Bostonians looking to get touristy this spring… So what’s the big news? Yesterday […]

BU Elections Get FLASHy

Good morning Terriers! Normally, I’m not one to talk much about politics… and that includes the campaigns that go on here at BU for Student Union. But sometimes things pique my interest and just need to be shared with the world. Check out this Flash Mob that went down at the GSU by the group, […]

Ke$ha Come$ to Hou$e of Blue$

Good morning, Terriers! If you’re not twitterly minded, or an avid fan of Ke$ha, I’m sure you didn’t know that she-who-wakes-up-feeling-like-P.Diddy has arrived in Boston. Yup, yesterday there were floods of tweets about how Ke$ha was stomping down Newbury Street, gracing the already epic people watching zone with one more goofball to admire. But why? […]

Spring Across Boston

Good afternoon, Terriers, and happy Friday! (gotta get down on Friday…) Another week is coming to an end, and with it goes the gloomy weather. It looks like we’re in for a boost of temperatures (maybe some rain, but whatever… it’s getting warm!) and it’s time to get outside and celebrate. I just wanted to […]

Dean Elmore’s Request

Good morning, Terriers Happy April Fool’s Day! Although today is normally filled with tricks and gimmicks, let me assure you that what I’m writing right now is no joke, but rather, a request and reminder from our very own Dean Elmore. If you’ve checked (and read) the latest email from the Dean of Students Office, then […]