Category: Uncategorized

Dance til you Drop

Happy Thursday, Terriers! The weekend is approaching and I’m sure you’re cramped and jittery from sitting in classes all week,  so what’s a better way to liven up than to head over to the DANCE MARATHON taking place at the SAC Gym (1 University Road, near the GSU). Slip on some comfortable shoes and drink […]

One Day. One Community.

How’s it going, Terriers? It’s getting nice out (lol, sort of…) so it’s time get out of your winter hibernation and starting DOING things. Go outside. Get involved. Maybe make a difference… But how? This year, BU’s CSC is pushing to make its Global Day of Service bigger and better than ever here in Boston […]

A Quick Reminder

Hey there, Terriers, Welcome back! I’m still waiting to hear about some awesome spring breaks (hint hint…) but for now, I just wanted to give everyone a reminder: LIKE US ON FACEBOOK FOLLOW US ON TWITTER We are currently in the process of getting a new email address together for easier long-term communication as well, […]

Life IS Good

Heya Terriers, Having a good SPRING BREAK? Anyone who took part in Alternative Spring Break better get in touch with me about where you went and what you did– I’m sure BU would love to hear your stories. Anywho, I just got back from my first trip to New York City (which was wicked fun) […]

Battling Hunger at BU

Hey again, Terriers, Do I have news for you. It’s big. It’s awesome. And you better read this blog: The Newman’s Own Foundation announced that BU’s Student Food Rescue (run through the CSC) is one of nine nonprofit finalists competing to win $25,000 in the second annual Newman’s Own Foundation Campus Community Service Challenge! Our […]

BU Rocks Pt.2

Happy March, Terriers! As promised, I am just reminding you that this Friday BU Central is putting on the BATTLE OF THE BANDS FINALE. Last weekend, BU Central hosted a variety of talented bands from all across Boston, and after your votes, four have been selected to compete in this Friday’s championship. The bands looking […]

A New Sport on Nickerson

Happy Thursday, Terriers! I know you’re all ready to head to BU Central this Saturday night for the Battle of the Bands, but I’ve got something else for you to fill your afternoon with: The first BU-hosted Quidditch Tournament! As a part of the Alumni Weekend, BU Quidditch has invited Tufts and Emerson to Nickerson […]

BU Rocks

Hey, Terriers, Love rocking out to your favorite songs? We know you do. Everyone does. We all open up out iTunes, Pandora, GrooveShark or whatever we use these days (remember Napster? Limewire? sigh. memories.) and jam once in awhile. With classwork weighing down on us, everyone needs a little break from reality. So…why not take […]

Bingo? What a Drag.

Heya, Terriers! Sorry about the lack of chitchat lately- I got swamped early this week with studying and assignments. But yes, I’m back (and more than ready for a relaxing holiday weekend). What will you be doing? If you’re staying on campus, BU Central wants to provide you with some Saturday night entertainment: DRAG BINGO. That’s […]

“50 Days til Departure”

What’s going on, Terriers? Just a quick post for you guys to let you know there are only 50 days until the DANCE MARATHON at BU. That’s right people, only 50 days until you get to dance until you drop, all while raising money. Registration begins today at BU Central from 4-7pm. Get a team […]