Category: Uncategorized

Beanpot Baffled

Oh hey, Terriers… Well, it didn’t go as we planned. Our beloved team fell to BC and won’t be heading to the Beanpot Championship this year. The game was level at 2-2 when the final buzzer rang and into overtime we went. Unfortunately, the Eagles were up to the challenge and toppled the Terriers in […]

Live On In Literature

Good afternoon, Terriers, Hope everyone is doing well. I myself have the flu (booo!) so just a friendly reminder to head over to STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES if you’re feeling a little under the weather. I just recently read that the author of one of my favorite book series, Redwall, passed away. Although not in any […]

Caffeine For Causes

Hello there, Terriers, This blog is for the coffee addicts out there (COM and SMG, I’m looking at you). Wouldn’t it be nice if your hard-earned coffee cash was doing a little bit more than just getting you your caffeine fix? Well, my fellow sleepy students, there IS a way to feel better about how […]

We Want More YOU, BU

Hey there, Terriers I just wanted to give you all a personal “welcome back!” to this snow-covered campus. Hopefully we’ll start seeing less of this soon… Yeah, it’s true, the BU Bubble has become more of a snow globe, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the start of a new semester. BU FYI will […]


Ohhhh say can you seeeee! Er… I mean, Hey Terriers! Just a little FYI(.com/studentblog) for you that I am heading back to the states in 9 days! What does that mean? Soon I’ll be back on campus and able to blog about things that actually pertain to your life a bit more! Who’s excited? This […]

My Final Advice

Hey Terriers, Okay I lied, this isn’t my final advice, but it is my finals advice. The blog has dropped into some silence lately and, while I’m overseas and out of the loop, I’m sure it’s because of the oh-so terrifying (and unfortunately inevitable) arrival of final exams. Duhn duhn DUHHHN. So. Study time… Everyone […]

A Little More Magic

Buenas, Terriers. So if you just don’t like/care/want to read more about BU Quidditch, I apologize. I swear this is the last post. For awhile. Maybe. Oops? Right… Anyways. Just a quick little heads up for you fans. *cough* be a fan *cough* BU Quidditch will be hosting a mini tournament this Sunday at the […]

Magic in NYC

Hey there, Terriers Let me break this sudden silence we’ve fallen into. With what? A new quidditch update! HOORAY! This weekend was the 2010 Quidditch World Cup. Held in New York City for the very first time, the QWC hosted 46 teams from across the USA and Canada. Entering the tournament was 3rd ranked Boston […]

Red Carpets and Zombies

Good morning, Terriers! Talk about excitement. Last night was easily one of the coolest moments of my life… Why? Red Carpets and Zombies, of course. FOX’s new thriller series, The Walking Dead, is TV’s latest buzz and with so much hype the cast has been making rounds for international press. Last night, the heart of […]

Psyched for PSYCH!

So, I don’t know what you guys did last night, but instead of just doing the same old ‘dinner in Warren Towers followed by homework’ routine, I headed over to Jacob Sleeper Auditorium for the Psych College Tour at Boston University. Psych, for those of you who don’t know, is a pretty awesome…strike that, totally […]