Category: Uncategorized


As the females in the office, we are here to talk about the recent phenomenon of the “I <3 BOOBIES” bracelets.  Personally, I (Marni) own one, but let’s get real. THEY ARE SO SCANDALOUS.  (“And you might get some strange looks from your professors.”- Julia) As many of you know, it is October.  And although […]

Did he see it coming?

Hey there, Terriers! Lot’s to talk about these days. This morning’s headline for you… Psychic octopus dies: did he see it coming? For those of you who lived under a rock during the world cup, there was an octopus by the name of Paul living in a German aquarium who accurately predicted the results of […]

Brooms Up

Buenas tardes, Terriers! So just because I’m across the pond doesn’t mean I don’t keep regularly updated on life back in Beantown, so today’s tidbit is something that you guys can look for on campus (and man am I jealous…). I’m talking about BU Quidditch, people, quaffle and all. For those of you unaware, BU […]


Hey BU! My name is Marni and I’m a junior in CAS.  Is anyone else sooo over midterms? Because I definitely am.  Too bad they’ve just started for me.  Forget midterm week, more like midterm month. But if you need help with your papers or would like some friendly peer tutoring, make sure you check […]

An Amsterdam Good Time

Hey there, Terriers Studying for midterms? Oops. Didn’t mean to remind you. I’d rather you read the blog anyways… By now I figure Boston is getting cold- I wouldn’t know, I’m guilty of being spoiled by relentless Spanish sun. I know I complain that it’s 50 when I wake up, but by the afternoon I’m […]

Finally! (Por fin!)

Heya Terriers, Miss me? I mean, I miss you. Sorry it took me so long to get in touch. My computer is grasping at the threads of life and I’ve been so busy (a combination that doesn’t promote frequent blogging, I assure you…). Spain is incredible. I can’t even begin to explain. Classes have been […]

Ciao, Boston.

Hola, Terriers! Well, it’s finally time. With only a few days until my flight, I have to put my blogging on hold and give you a mini-farewell. The next time you hear from me, I’ll be fully settled into life in España. Because of technical difficulties, videoblogging may not be as frequent as I had […]

Quite a Tail

Hey Terriers! Sorry about the delay on this video (for those of you who expected it yesterday because of my latest Tweets), but at last, HERE IT IS! This is a video of my sister and I on a whale watch out of Gloucester, Mass. We got to meet two awesome humpback whales named Pepper […]

Shout to our Readers!

Hey my faithful Terriers, The summer clock is ticking towards its end and the excitement of a new semester is starting to set in. I won’t lie… I’m nervous. I depart for Spain in just about three weeks, leaving behind my comfortable BU setting and taking on a whole new city, country and life. What […]

Hidden Gems: “In Your Ear!”

Hey Terriers! Aside from all the obvious benefits of living in Boston, there are many little-known treasure troves scattered across the city that many BU students overlook– even ones here on campus!  The hidden gem I offer you today goes out to BU’s music lovers: “In Your Ear” music store. In Your Ear is a paradise […]