I Scream for Ice Cream

Hey there, Terriers!

scooper-bowl-logo-2011-with-fedexIt’s nice to see the sun finally shining as we move into June, but now we have something new to complain about: the heavy and tiring heat. Want to cool off with a sweet treat? Of course you do.

From June 7 to June 9, the Jimmy Fund will be hosting the 29th annual Scooper Bowl—an event chock full of your favorite ice cream, froyo and sorbet. Head down to City Hall Plaza anytime between noon and 8pm for your own chilly little piece of heaven.

33297_image.jpgAll proceeds go to the Jimmy Fund for cancer research and care. Since beginning in 1983, the Scooper Bowl has raised over $2.9 million. Don’t you want to be a part of that? Come CHECK IT OUT and keep an eye out for me. You can be sure I won’t miss this.

Keep being you, BU, and keep cool, too.


Summer Splendor

Hey there, BU!

It's been awhile, but I'm back in Boston and absolutely pumped for summer in the city. Since classes and done with and the campus is going to be snoozing for awhile, I'll be trying to focus on events across the city for those of you staying. If you've gone home, we'll miss you, but trust me when I say: Boston summer's are the best.

252209_1553038865878_1232340381_31672565_2381469_nSometime in the next few months we will also be having a complete makeover done on the website. Yup, BU FYI is going to look bigger and better than ever, with new features that all of you are going to love. It'll be much more interactive too, so get excited!

For now, get outside and enjoy the sudden arrival of BU-tiful weather. Might I suggest the BU Beach, the COM Lawn or the Esplanade? I'll be out there somewhere, so if you see me, feel free to say hello!

Keep being you, BU.


Last Minute Studying!

Hey Terriers!

Surviving? Summer is so close. Don't give up.

For everyone still studying (like me) I want to let you know that the Metcalf Ballroom next to the Ziskind Lounge is OPEN for studying and has FREE COFFEE & TEA. If you don't know what I'm talking about, that's the big room on the second floor of the GSU...


Ziskind has always been my favorite study spot and it's now open til midnight. So grab a friend, some books, and settle in for a long day of studying with me and the rest of the students bitter that we aren't on summer break yet.

Keep being you, BU, and good luck.


PopChips WINNERS Announced

Hey there, Terriers!

Hope finals are going well for everyone. Those of you already done, I'm jealous/hate you. If you're still working hard (hardly working?) and need a new place to study, check out this OLD BLOG of mine for some advice.

Anyways. Let's get to the meat of this post: announcing the winners of the PopChips PopTrivia giveaway. And the winners are...

  • Ryan McPhee!
  • Chris Schretzenmayer!

I will be contacting both of you personally to set up a time to meet at the Dean of Students office to collect your month's supply care-package of PopChips. Be ready as we will be taking a photograph with PopChips rep, Julie Frey.


Keep being you, BU, and thanks to everyone who participated.


PopChips Challenge!

Hey there, Terriers!

pop1I know we're all excited about the end of classes (and worried about the upcoming finals...) so PopChips of Boston has worked with me to put together a little care-package competition. All you have to do is be one of the first two people to earn a perfect score on the "POP" Trivia questions below.

These questions include BU "fun facts" as well as a few City Co./Camp Co. curveballs to keep you on your feet. After all, PopChips is one of a multitude of snacks and essentials you can pick up at the stores all around campus.


To compete in the PopChips giveaway, comment on this blog with your trivia answers. Like I said, the FIRST TWO PEOPLE with a PERFECT SCORE will earn a month's supply of PopChips.


  1. In what year did BU open its doors to female students?
  2. In 1873, BU opened nation's first college of ________.
  3. How much is coffee at City/Campus Convenience if you bring your own mug?
  4. How many Terriers played on the gold medal US olympic hockey team in 1980?
  5. What dance was illegal at BU in 1939?
  6. How late is City Co. by Warren open?
  7. How many Nobel Prize winners are currently on the BU staff?
  8. What's the real name of the BU Beach?
  9. What methods of payment can you use at City/Campus Convenience?
  10. What movie does Rhett's name originate from?
  11. What is the university's official flower?
  12. How many City/Campus Conveniences are found on our Com. Ave campus?

* * *

Okay everyone. Go to town on these questions and get back to me ASAP! Winners will be announced once two people have correctly completed the quiz. In the mean time, be sure to follow PopChips on TWITTER and like them on Facebook. And duh, head on over to City Co. for all your nommy needs.

Good luck and keep being you, BU.


Glozell Comes to BU!?

Good morning everyone!

Though I would love to sit and chat for a long time, I got home from quidditch early in the morning today and need to hit Student Health Services so I need to get going asap (we won the tournament, by the way). BUT I do want to share some news with you!

Tonight, at the SAO's Excellence in Student Activities Awards (Metcalf Ballroom, 630 pm, be there), YouTube sensation GLOZELL will be dropping in to emcee! So cool, right?


There will also be performances by X-ception, On Broadway and K-Soul, so please be sure to join in on all the fun.

Now, I'm off! Keep being you, BU, and we'll talk again real soon!


BUQ Update

Hey, everyone!

195813_104815886270542_5460561_nDon't mind while I give you all a little update on the BU Quidditch team. Well, after the International Quidditch Association selected BU to host the Northeast Regional tournament, plans fell through and space for fields just wasn't available. Luckily, Hofstra University picked up the slack and this spring's regional brawl will be taking place in

New York on May 1st.

The tournament, deemed the Empire Classic, will involve about 15 teams from the northeast, and while big names like Middlebury, Emerson and Tufts will be sitting out this time around, BU will have a number of improving squads to shutdown, including Pittsburgh, the team who knocked out BU in the 2010 World Cup in NYC. Other teams include...

  • Hofstra
  • NYU
  • Stonybrook
  • UMaryland
  • and more!

BU is undefeated in 2011 tournament play after clean-sweeping its first home tournament on Nickerson Field in February (defeating UMass, Tufts and Emerson).  The Empire Classic will be BU's next chance to reclaim quidditch dominance after an early exit at last year's World Cup.

With any luck, next spring's Regional Tournament will return to Boston, bringing sponsors, donations and serious media coverage to our campus. Winning this year's tournament should help in BUQ's bid with the university.

Wish the terriers some luck, and keep being you, BU.



Remember to follow the team on TWITTER for updates on tournaments, scrimmages and practices.

Boston’s Best of… “Nachos!”

Hey everyone,

I know it has been awhile since I've blogged, but it has been a little crazy. I apologize...

To make up for it, I'm retuning to the Boston's Best series that I know you love, and this installment is in honor of the upcoming holiday: Cinco de Mayo! (as if you're not still worn out from Marathon Monday...)

sunsetcantinaSo what's up for order today? NACHOS. And you know, I didn't even take a survey for this one – I'm just going with my own gut instincts. You can argue if you so desire, but trust me, the moment you throw these tasty chips in your mouth you'll agree: Sunset Cantina's nachos are Boston's Best.

Available in half, full and XXL sizes, these nachos are pretty much all you need for dinner. Of course you'll need a refreshing margarita (or five) to go along with it, but trust me when I say it's almost BU tradition to hit this college hotspot solely for a plate of nacho goodness.

For those of you who have SOMEHOW managed to miss the neon signs out front, Sunset Cantina is located at 916 ComAve near West Campus. I'd say a close second for amazing nachos is the plate offered at Boston Beerworks (near Fenway) but stay on campus for now and see what you think.

So get down there and nom to your heart's content. They have an awesome selection of other meals, but I'd say start with the nachos and work your way from there.

Keep being you, BU, and we'll talk again soon.


It’s a Bird! It’s a…Boat?

Hey everyone!

So I meant to get a blog up yesterday about the Relay for Life and I apologize for not getting it done, but I hope everyone who took part had a good time. Anyways, this blog is for all you Bostonians looking to get touristy this spring...

So what's the big news? Yesterday was the official opening day for the Boston Swan Boats!


Yahoo! I know you're all pumped. So grab a friend and head down to the Commons. I know you want to. Click HERE for more info.

Keep being you, BU, and enjoy this BUtiful weather.


BU Elections Get FLASHy

Good morning Terriers!

Normally, I'm not one to talk much about politics... and that includes the campaigns that go on here at BU for Student Union. But sometimes things pique my interest and just need to be shared with the world. Check out this Flash Mob that went down at the GSU by the group, "The Rhettvolution."

Now, I am not supplying anyone with links to FB pages or twitter accounts for this student group as I am by no means partisan to anyone campaigning. I just thought it'd be cool to show people how BU students are getting creative in their efforts to improve our already awesome university. Make sure you do your part, Terriers, and vote!

If any of the other groups running want to make an appearance on the blog, do something awesome and let us know about it on Facebook or Twitter!

Keep being you, BU, and stay flashy.
