Ke$ha Come$ to Hou$e of Blue$

Good morning, Terriers!

If you’re not twitterly minded, or an avid fan of Ke$ha, I’m sure you didn’t know that she-who-wakes-up-feeling-like-P.Diddy has arrived in Boston. Yup, yesterday there were floods of tweets about how Ke$ha was stomping down Newbury Street, gracing the already epic people watching zone with one more goofball to admire.


But why?

Tonight at 7pm Ke$ha will be tearing down Boston’s House of Blues with hit music from her albums, Animal and Cannibal. If you can find a way to get tickets, I’m sure the show will be worth it… If not for her singing (yelling?) but for her charismatic “do what you want” attitude and raging beats.

If you’re financially stuck, no worries. I’m sure she’ll be tik-toking her way around Boston somewhere. Keep an ear open for celebrity worthy screaming and you’ll be sure to find her. Or just follow the trail of body paint and glitter she leaves as she walks…?

Keep being you, BU. (Afterall, We R who we R…)


[Please forgive me for my attempt at Ke$ha puns]

Spring Across Boston

Good afternoon, Terriers, and happy Friday! (gotta get down on Friday...)

Another week is coming to an end, and with it goes the gloomy weather. It looks like we're in for a boost of temperatures (maybe some rain, but whatever... it's getting warm!) and it's time to get outside and celebrate.

I just wanted to let you all know that I am going to be making an effort to cover some more off campus BOSTON events now that the world is starting to wake from its winter hibernation. Too many students at our university go their entire time here without venturing away from what we call "The BU bubble."

Don't miss things like this: The Boston Commons in bloom.

Don't miss things like this: The Boston Commons in bloom.

So go out. Explore. Walk the esplanade a little bit farther each day. Take the T into Government Center and go a route you've never been. Find things. Share them here. Boston has so much to do and if we don't go looking, we'll miss out.

Today, I suggest taking a walk to Fenway. It's the Sox vs the Yankees and, even if we're off to a bad start for the season, any day can be the day to turn it around.

Take advantage of what you have here, and keep being you, BU.


Dean Elmore’s Request

Good morning, Terriers

Happy April Fool's Day! Although today is normally filled with tricks and gimmicks, let me assure you that what I'm writing right now is no joke, but rather, a request and reminder from our very own Dean Elmore. If you've checked (and read) the latest email from the Dean of Students Office, then this will be old news... but something tells me not all of you have been reading up.

This month, BU will be opening its doors to the admitted students for the class of 2015, giving these future Terriers a chance to decide if BU is right for them. Dean Elmore is just reminding everyone to be aware of your surroundings and do your very best to welcome these students to campus. Remember what it was like to be a senior in high school, trying to make up your mind about what you wanted to do with your future. Let's help them see that BU is their future home.


As Dean Elmore said, "I appreciate any hospitality you’re able to extend – sharing dining spaces; helping someone looking at a map to find his or her way; and, at times, just a friendly smile and “hello” will do.  I expect our visitors may occasionally create a challenge to you getting through your routine, but I’m hoping you can join us in rolling out the Scarlet Red carpet for future members of this community."

Keep being you, BU, and get ready to welcome the class of 2015.


Dance til you Drop

Happy Thursday, Terriers!

174838_106679542740177_7109695_nThe weekend is approaching and I'm sure you're cramped and jittery from sitting in classes all week,  so what's a better way to liven up than to head over to the DANCE MARATHON taking place at the SAC Gym (1 University Road, near the GSU).

Slip on some comfortable shoes and drink a redbull because you're in for 18 hours of nonstop dancing starting Saturday, April 2. The event is a fundraiser for organizations that assist children and their families who are combating pediatric HIV and AIDS-- so yes, it's a very good cause.

From 3pm Saturday to 9am on Sunday morning, the Dance Marathon team has themes and performances bound to keep participants excited. Visitors are also welcome to join in any time for a small donation of $10. (Er... keep in mind that you can visit whenever, but the pass lasts 2 hours).

For more information check out the Facebook Event. If you're too tired, or too busy, you can also donate online by clicking HERE.

Until later, keep being you, BU.


One Day. One Community.

How's it going, Terriers?

It's getting nice out (lol, sort of...) so it's time get out of your winter hibernation and starting DOING things. Go outside. Get involved. Maybe make a difference... But how?

viewerThis year, BU's CSC is pushing to make its Global Day of Service bigger and better than ever here in Boston and is calling out to all Terriers to help in the effort to improve our community. According to the event's WEBSITE, GDS focuses on: "Helping people in crisis, fostering equality, rescuing animals and protecting the environment. The Boston University community is rooted in service—and that tradition has grown every year since BU’s 1839 founding."

Community service has always been important at BU, but often times we work on so many separate projects that we overlap on dates and missions, blocking one another from reaching our full potential. GDS wants to be the one day (April 16, 2011) where we work TOGETHER, on the same project, and show the community what Terriers can really do.

So are you interested? You should be. The GDS takes place in tons of cities around the world with a variety of missions, so be sure to register online by APRIL 6th and become a part of this incredible movement. Also look for them on Twitter!

We really can be ONE BU, so let's pull together and do something. Keep being you, BU, and I'll see you out there.


A Quick Reminder

Hey there, Terriers,

Welcome back! I'm still waiting to hear about some awesome spring breaks (hint hint...) but for now, I just wanted to give everyone a reminder:



We are currently in the process of getting a new email address together for easier long-term communication as well, so keep an eye out.

I'll blog some more this week, so stay tuned. Until then, keep being you, BU, and let's hope for some nice weather.


Life IS Good

Heya Terriers,

Having a good SPRING BREAK? Anyone who took part in Alternative Spring Break better get in touch with me about where you went and what you did-- I'm sure BU would love to hear your stories.

Anywho, I just got back from my first trip to New York City (which was wicked fun) and I'm now back in Boston, waiting for my ride back to CT for the rest of break. And where am I chilling right now? The Life is Good headquarters on Boylston Street! Cool, huh?


Yeah that's right, I'm upstairs thumbing through a catalogue thinking about what I'd buy if I wasn't broke. I thought this was blog worthy since there's a Boston location where every Terrier can go and gear-up. So, check out the WEBSITE of this sick store and then head over to the nearest Life is Good at...

  • 285 Newbury Street

If anyone out there is doing something really cool over break, LET ME KNOW via Twitter, Facebook or comments!

Until then, keep being you, BU, and enjoy the rest of your spring break.



That's "champions," in case you can't tell.

Hey there Terriers,

Last month, we were challenged to a duel. A duel between some of our greatest social media rivals - Emerson, BC and Northeastern. We were challenged to show our might by playing as much SCVNGR as possible to crush the competition. And crush we did.


So let's celebrate our victory. Whether you were playing SCVNGR every day to help us win or you haven't heard about it and would love to hang out with Dean Elmore and talk social media, we want you to come to the Back Bay Social Club this Sunday, March 6 at 8 p.m. We'll bring the free food, you bring the fun. If you bring a mob of your friends, I'll make sure you get your hands on one of these:

photo (2)

To register for this awesome Sunday night party, just enter your name into our Eventbrite page (you don't need the ticket it sends you) -

We'll see you on Sunday at 8 p.m. - get ready for an awesome time!

Terrier Love,


Battling Hunger at BU

Hey again, Terriers,

Do I have news for you. It's big. It's awesome. And you better read this blog:

Lots of food. Omnom.

Lots of food. Omnom.

The Newman's Own Foundation announced that BU's Student Food Rescue (run through the CSC) is one of nine nonprofit finalists competing to win $25,000 in the second annual Newman’s Own Foundation Campus Community Service Challenge!

Our Student Food Rescue is up against one nonprofit from each of the other eight universities in America East and aims to win the top prize. In all, the Challenge will be awarding $80,000 to the nominated organizations, but of course we'd love BU to be recognized as #1.

"The Newman’s Own Foundation Challenge underscores the commitment and enthusiasm of so many young people to make ours a better world," said Bob Forrester, president of Newman’s Own Foundation. "The caliber of the student group and nonprofit partnerships we have recieved this year is quite extraordinary."

BU students make a difference.

BU students make a difference.

According to the event's press release, the winners will be presented throughout the America East Men’s and Women’s Basketball Championship held at the University of Hartford from March 3-6, 2011. So keep your fingers crossed, Terriers, and maybe get inspired to start helping out! Check out this video for a little more info on what the Student Food Rescue really is...

It's stories like these that should make you proud to be a member of Boston University (not that you shouldn't ALWAYS be proud). Get involved. Make a difference. We attend a very large school, but we are all a part of the same community, and you should do your part to make it that much better.

Keep being you, BU, and keep changing the world.


(A special thank you to Martin Morales, BU Alum, and Newman's Own Media Contact, Sarah Kingsley, for the story + information)

BU Rocks Pt.2

Happy March, Terriers!

As promised, I am just reminding you that this Friday BU Central is putting on the BATTLE OF THE BANDS FINALE. 174855_169201219798157_1398600_n

Last weekend, BU Central hosted a variety of talented bands from all across Boston, and after your votes, four have been selected to compete in this Friday's championship. The bands looking to win you over include:

  1. The Trish Hosein Band
  2. Canary
  3. Planckton
  4. El Frente

So head over when the doors open at 830 and get ready for a rockin night of music. For more informaiton, click HERE.

Also, give a round of applause to BU Quidditch for defeating UMass, Tufts and Emerson to win their tournament on Saturday. The Terriers were only scored on twice... IMPRESSIVE. Kudos to an awesome crowd.

Keep being you, BU, and we'll be chatting soon.
