Dart to the Pub

Hey, Terriers!

Throw-Darts-ConsistentlyAfter starting my Knight’s Quest at the BU Pub last week (woohoo! finally!), a friend of mine let me in on a little information that I’m sure a few of you 21+ers will be interested in: The BU Pub is hosting a Dart Tournament from 4-7pm on Thursday, July 28th.

Whether you’re a bullseye maniac or a darts novice, head on down to the Pub for a little social gathering to get your Thursday rolling. If you win the tournament you will earn $20 worth of some of the Pub’s delicious food, a t-shit and a beer glass. If you lose, well…at least you tried. Even if you have no interest at darts at all, you might as well join in on the fun and have a few drinks with your classmates and faculty!

For those of you unaware, the BU Pub is located beneath the Castle. If you don’t know what the castle is… I don’t really know what to say to you.

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Remember: have your BU IDs and 21+ IDs ready at the door. Guests can and must be signed in by a member of the BU community.

Look out for Abbey’s post coming later this afternoon, and keep being you, BU.


Summer Send Offs!

This blog goes out special to all you incoming Terriers -

Once again, we're hitting the road and heading out across the country to throw parties for all you new BU students. You can check out our website at bu.edu/sendoffs.


Like I said, we'll be heading all around the country - if you're near one of these locations, you should look into joining us!

  • Long Island, NY
  • Manhattan, NY (August 10th AND 22nd!)
  • San Francisco, CA
  • Laguna Beach, CA
  • Atlanta, GA
  • Philadelphia, PA/Southern NJ
  • Honolulu, HI
  • Portland, OR
  • Los Angeles, CA
  • Chicago, IL

We hope to see y'all there!

Biking in the Bean

Hey there Terriers,

In case your not on campus this summer, some new bike stations have popped up around campus. These stations are part of Hubway, a new bike sharing program in Boston, brought to you by New Balance. The Hubway system essentially allows riders to jump on a bike, ride it wherever they want, and drop it off at another station. Operating three seasons of the year, Hubway is not only affordable, but any ride with under a 30-minute ride time is free. That means the next time the B Line isn't working and the 57 is no where in sight, you can jump on a Hubway bike and get to anywhere in an eco-friendly and simple way.

For more information on the Hubway system, check out these articles from The City of Boston, The Phoenix, and Boston.com.

Be sure to look for at least 5 Hubway stations across campus this fall! Check the Station Map for more information.

See you in the bike lane,


Boston Tweets!

Hey there, Terriers!

With one month left in the summer, I'm sure BU-ers near and far are starting to get pumped for their return to Boston. City life, as we all know, is fun and exciting, but often times we miss out on events and places because this place is so big (I know all you NYCers are laughing at me right now...). So what's a better way to get in-the-know on Boston than to stay connected with twitter?

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Our beloved Emma once blogged about helpful BU twitter accounts, but today I'm going to provide a list of Boston-area tweeters that will keep you up to date and ready for anything. Whether it's news, sports, restaurants, events or awesome deals, these are the names you'll want to follow on twitter:

  • @BostonTweet - Anyone who's anyone in Boston follows this guy. He's got more information than the BPL!
  • @BostonUpdate - News and headlines.
  • @GrouponBoston - Cheap prices are not-cheap things.
  • @LivingSocialBOS - Samsies.
  • @bostoncalendar - What's going on and where?!
  • @hiddenboston - Look no further than this site for info on lesser known Boston hotspots and restaurants.
  • @eatboston - Hungry? Try some of the places listed here. Nomnomnom.
  • @whereBOSTON - Even more ideas for events and attractions in Beantown.
  • @BostonTweeters - Want to meet up with fellow twitter-junkies?
  • @mbtaGM - Join us in complaining about the B-line, won't you?

Hope this list helps you all out. And of course, you can always click my name at the end of this post and follow me... #selfpromoting

Keep being you, BU, and look out for our new site coming soon!


Staying Cool in the Hot Hot Heat

Hey Terriers!

Despite my awful reference to my fantastic middle school music selection, another atrocity is hitting the city in the form of a sweat inducing heat wave. So what can you do to beat the unlawful Comm Ave heat? Well, assuming you're not one of the lucky who lives the life of luxury with AC, there are plenty of little secret, and not so secret ways to stay cool at BU! Heres my abridged (and appropriate) list of ways to avoid the sweltering sun.

1. Embrace your inner bronzed god/goddess.

I told you it's beautiful at night.

I told you it's beautiful at night.

The docks along the Charles River are prime for getting that perfect just-got-back-from-maui tan. And bonus, the docks and the esplanade itself always get the amazing breeze off the river, so you can pay your tribute to the Sun Gods without actually baking. The docks are one of my favorite little spots along BU's campus, and a beautiful place to cool off and watch the sunset at night. So while you might not necessarily want to fry in the heat during the day, I do recommend staking out a spot in the evening.

2. Find tree, take nap.

Mason Square

Hidden in South Campus is the gem that is Mason Square. This is a beautiful little park reserved for peace and quiet. It's the perfect place to take a nap under the shade of one of the numerous trees or cool off with your novel of choice. However beware, the squirrels are intimidatingly friendly; and the hipsters, well, just the opposite.

3. Drink tons o' water!



This should be a no-brainer, but hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Not only will you stay cooler with your 8 glasses of H2O, but you'll also stay alive. WIN WIN!

4. Get a fan, or five.

This is the most ridiculous picture I could find. You're welcome.

This is the most ridiculous picture I could find. You're welcome.

For those of us who have sweltering apartments, a fan is man's best friend (sorry pups!). But in this kind of heat, the best fan is one that is not alone. Preferably one swooping your entire room and another that conveniently blasts your face with cool air while you snooze. And for my fellow lady terriers, another fan directed at your head helps avoid turning into a Carrie Bradshaw lookalike while you get ready.

So BU, tell me how you keep cool! And if it has anything to do with putting my sheets/pillowcases/clothes in the freezer, forget about it. I prefer that my linens and frozen peas to live separate but happy lives.

Keeping it classy,


Five Things I’m Glad I Brought With Me Freshmen Year and One Thing I Wish I Had

Hey Terriers!

Working in the Dean of Students office here at BU, I answer a lot of phone calls from parents, and a good amount from incoming freshmen as well. A question I've been getting more and more often of late is “What do I need? What do I need to bring that no one ever thinks to bring?” Although I am always happy to answer questions, I now sit down to document, for posterity, a list derived from my personal experiences: five things I’m glad I brought with me freshmen year and – to prove that I’m not perfect and forgot things like everyone else – one thing I wish I had.

Five Things I’m Glad I Brought With Me Freshmen Year…

Duct Tape

A College Kid's Best Friend (Besides Coffee.)

When people ask me what to bring with them to their first year of college, this is always the first thing I say. Bring Duct Tape. It is, hands down, one of the most useful inventions of all time. IT FIXES EVERYTHING, and it’ll keep just about anything on your wall. (Freshmen year, I learned the hard way that not all tapes and wall adhesives are created equal. One particularly blustery warm September afternoon, I returned to my dorm to find that every. single. poster. on my walls had been blown off by a strong breeze from the window I’d left open to let in fresh air while I was in class. I ended up having to Duct Tape all my posters to the walls to get them to stick.) Over my three years of college, I’ve fixed backpacks, my favorite pair of beat-up gym sneakers, a desk drawer, and once, in a pinch, stopped a leaky window from dripping all over my bed – all with duct tape. Plus, if you don’t end up using it, chances are good someone else on your floor will probably need it – and you’ll make a friend.

Freeze Pops: Let’s face it, guys – as cold as it might get in the winter, Boston in late August and early September can be downright sweltering. And, unless you’re one of the lucky few who have been assigned a room in an air-conditioned dorm, you’re going to be relying on a trusty fan for a few weeks to keep yourself from overheating too badly. (Also effective – putting your pillow case in the freezer for a minute or two before going to bed. It’s a much cooler, and more pleasant, way to fall asleep.)  The point is this: the first few weeks you spend in a college dorm are likely to be kinda hot and probably humid. That’s where the Freeze Pops come in. They’re cheap, they’re cold, they’re refreshing, and they are a great way to make friends. My freshmen year, half the people I met the first month of college were a byproduct of the enormous super-size bag of Freeze Pops purchased by my parents the day I moved to school. I was never going to be able to eat them all myself, but it made a great ice breaker (if you’ll pardon the pun).

Sewing kit: I have used my travel-sized sewing kit more times than I can count in my three years of college. The mending doesn't always look that pretty, but it almost always sticks, and that’s what counts. It makes life a thousand times easier to be able to repair a rip on your own – searching up and down for a tailor can not only be expensive, but rather time-consuming as well. To this day, I credit my sewing kit with averting the Great Oh-Crap-There’s-A-Hole-In-My-Down-Comforter-That-Must-Be-Why-There-Are-Feathers-All-Over-My-Side-Of-The-Room Crisis of 2010.

Sleep mask:

All dogs - even Terriers - get sleepy sometimes.

All dogs - even Terriers - get sleepy sometimes.

It doesn’t matter whether you’ve shared a room your whole life, or you’ve never even been to sleep-away camp: sharing a room with a college roommate is a totally new experience. (And not in a bad way!) Having a roommate can be fun, hilarious, and awesome – and your roommate, more than likely, will be pretty cool. But it doesn’t matter if you guys are BFFs at first sight or not – get a sleep mask. It’s a lot easier than burying your head under the pillows if your roommate has to stay up late cramming for an exam. I’m notorious for being able to sleep through pretty much anything, and even I was thankful for my trusty sleep mask more than a few times.

Fingerless gloves: As I discussed in relation to the Freeze Pops, it can get hot in Boston. On the flip side, it can get cold. Like – really really cold. So cold that even I, a born-and-raised Mainer, finds it pretty chilly sometimes. Naturally, I bundle up in L.L. Bean boots, a knee-length down jacket, a few scarves, and my favorite hat. But freshmen year, I discovered that my normal winter attire left me with a slight predicament: my favorite gloves were preventing me from being able to text properly! (“That’s TERRIBLE,” my mother said, very sarcastically, when I first complained of it to her.) Still, our generation spends a fair bit of time bent over our phones, and, frankly, it’s how I spend the majority of my time walking between classes – not to mention it takes your mind off the chill. My solution? Fingerless gloves. (I wear mittens over them if it’s really cold out.) I’m able to text, use my iPod, and fumble in my wallet for my T pass when I decided it’s too cold to walk any farther – all without having to pull my gloves off. (I did try just wearing gloves for a while, but I kept dropping and losing one of the pair. Two missing left gloves and one missing right glove later, I gave up and turned to gloves of the fingerless variety.)

…and One Thing I Wish I Had

My computer operating system disks/owner’s manuals:

Not gonna lie, this is pretty much the exact face I made.

Not gonna lie, this is pretty much the exact face I made.

Laptops are ubiquitous in college – it seems that, almost everywhere you look, there are dozens of people typing furiously; in coffee shops, in lectures, in the Student Union's Food Court, in the dining halls, and once, I swear I even saw someone on the T. (The most extreme typing I ever did was finishing a 12-page term paper while getting a pedicure. I got an A on it, too.) Omnipresence aside, laptops are one of the most important tools a college student has, if not the most important. And so, when my laptop crashed freshmen year, I had a minor panic attack. BU has a really helpful IT department, and they’ve been great the other times my laptop’s had issues. But the first time it crashed, I brought it in, and they told me that fixing it would be a simple matter – they would just insert the disc with my operation system and fix it from there. Did I have my operating system? No, I did not. Did I have my software CDs? No, I didn’t. Did my lack of these discs make it much harder for the IT department to help me? You bet. Mercifully, they managed to resurrect my computer from the grave, but not without difficulty. When I went home for Thanksgiving, the first thing I did was spend two hours digging through my bedroom until I found all the manuals and software associated with my computer. I’ve never forgotten them again – talk about a lesson learned. But the lesson shouldn’t hold only to laptops. Since my laptop’s near-death experience, I’ve made sure to keep instruction manuals, backed-up files, and important paperwork in one safe spot in my room. So, incoming freshmen (and returning Terriers, too!) – as you prepare to come to campus this fall, make sure you’ve got everything you need – before you need it.

If you can think of anything to add, let us know in the comments, or tweet at us!

Until next time, you BUtiful people!

- Julia

Getting Sandy

Good morning, Terriers! 284031_10150245884402665_518847664_7599328_2648351_n

Tired of the lack of "beachiness" that the BU Beach has to offer? Don't have a car for a real summer getaway? It's time you just hop on the T and check out some of the hotspots Boston has to offer. Yes, there are beaches accessible by T, and though they might not match the crystal waters of the Carribbean (lol, not even close...) they still provide great summer fun for those hot, lazy days.

This past Friday my friend and I decided to spend a few hours at one of the most frequently visited beaches in the area: Revere. Located on the blue line and only 30-40 minutes away, it's an easy spot to reach if you have a few hours to kill and some sun to soak in. Lucky for us, Revere was hosting an international sand sculpting contest when we arrived!



So what's my suggestion to you, Terriers? Go online, start looking for nearby beaches and let us know what's cool and what's not. There are plenty of places to try—you just have to do a little searching. My next stop will be the beaches at Orient Heights on the blue line. They seemed less crowded than Revere and had a nice view of the airport.

Besides, who needs Pelicans when you have Jets, am I right?

Keep being you, BU, and enjoy the heat wave.



Good afternoon, Terriers!

Everyone knows that Marathon Monday is one of the greatest days of the year for Bostonians. There's partying, socializing and a lot of international camaraderie as we cheer for all those brave enough to take on the 26 mile adventure. But there's another marathon that takes place in our beloved city—one that doesn't get as much publicity and recognition, but for those who are 21+, it's (almost) as exciting.

So, my of-age readers, I present to you: The Boston Beer Marathon! GBBM_logo[1]_400

This Saturday, House of Blues will be kicking off the most epic pub crawl this city has to offer, hitting 26 of Boston's favorite bars in a seemingly never-ending day and night of fun. CLICK HERE to purchase your event tickets and join in on one of the best deals Boston has to offer.

Seriously, at least click the website to see where the crawl goes and what goodies/freebies it has to offer. If you're one of the lucky first 1500 people, you get a free VIKING HELMET. What? I don't know. It just sounds cool.

Anyway, keep being you, BU and have a blast. I won't be attending the full crawl but who knows...you might just run into me somewhere.


A Booming Celebration

Hey there, Terriers!

As promised, I put together a collection of video clips to highlight this year's Fourth of July fireworks celebration in Boston. To be honest, I didn't think the city could top last year's show, but it might have been even better this year.

Anyways, go on—watch and enjoy! I used my latest summer jam for the background music so be sure to keep your speakers up. Oh, and also... kudos to the girl whose head and sunglasses are making their youtube debut. You were blocking my view during some of the best fireworks. 🙂

Until next time, keep being you, BU!


Song: Party on the Floor (United States of Pop, 2011 summer mix) by DJ Earworm

A Second for the Fourth

Hey Terriers!

BostonFireworks2Tomorrow I will be celebrating Independence Day with the rest of Boston and as a throw back to summer 2010, I will be bringing my handy FLIPCAM with me to videotape the spectacular fireworks show in the evening.

As a gift to you Bostonians who won't be here for the party, I'll put together a sweet video blog of the festivities and have it up by the end of the week.

In the meantime, keep being you BU, and have a HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!
