Category: Uncategorized

My quest for a theology of history

In last week’s blog post, I talked about three sermons I’ve heard recently that have challenged my thinking about hope.  These same three sermons, especially that by Allie Hoffman, also challenged me on the question of my theology of history.  What is a theology of history?  It’s a set of beliefs about the relationship between […]

How Can I Keep from Singing?

I’ve had the blessing of hearing three sermons so far in 2011 that have challenged my thinking on the topic of hope. The first of these sermons was preached by Rev. John Caldwell at the church I grew up in, First United Methodist Church of Decorah, IA, the first Sunday of this year.  John was […]

Postmodern anthropology and justification by faith

Modernity tended to have an optimistic view of humanity: It emphasized universal and reliable human reason, human goodness, and human perfectibility.  It also emphasized universality in its anthropology — according to modernity, humans have a common mental and moral make-up.  In such a context, questions of righteousness were relatively easy – if humans weren’t already […]

Social media, here I come!

I’ve been meaning to start an academic blog for a while now, and today happens to finally be the day (in part because on previous days I tried, BU’s blog website was down 🙁  Anyway, the website’s up today, so today is the day. I also joined Twitter about two weeks ago and began using […]