Controversy: Wind Turbines and their Potential Effect on the Human Ear

Daniel Ehrenpreis

Professor Grace

EK 132 Health Policy

November 19, 2012

Controversy: Wind Turbines and their Potential Effect on the Human Ear

“Noise is the most persistent physical contaminant in the human environment, especially in developed countries”(Fernandez). Not only is noise a contaminant, it is also an extremely controversial matter associated with wind turbines. Turbines throughout the world have been extremely controversial mainly because of their potential effects on the human ear. This “sound” debate focuses on whether or not wind turbines can ultimately affect the inner-ear of an individual, and if they do how these problems could be resolved. Many complaints have been recorded associated with the frequency produced by the turbine, but is this frequency really a hazard, or simply just a disturbance?

According to an article talking about the noise patterns of wind turbines,

“the mechanical noise is audible – its band is above 100 Hz. This frequency range does not pose a serious threat to the natural environment, which is far from the source, e.g. when an area  is acoustically protected since sounds are muffled by the air or absorbed by the ground. Moreover, most wind turbines are properly insulated against the noise made by elements of the engine pod – which additionally reduces the noise” (Bilski).

In this article, Bilski writes about his research with the frequency at which a wind turbine functions and then compares it to the frequencies that a human ear can pick up. In the above quotation Bilski is saying that wind turbine frequencies are safe for the human ear, because of the wide area surrounding these turbines. Even if the turbine is producing a certain pitch of noise, the air and ground surrounding the turbine will absorb most of the noise, acting almost like a cushion between an individual and the frequency.

In another article found within the New York Times, it was concluded that, “…the American and Canadian wind industry associations found no medical basis for the health complaints that often arise near large wind-farm projects…the authors did, however, concede that some people are irritated by turbine swishing noises, especially in the absence of other ambient sound” (Lorinc). This quotation is
another vital piece of evidence that helps to solidify the argument that wind turbine frequencies do not have an association with medical issues. Even though Lorinc reported that wind turbines have no medical effect on humans, he brought up the counter perspective of the irritation that a turbine’s frequency provides to a population. In another New York Times article Diane Cardwell reported on a town in Maine that won a court case over the removal of wind turbines due to the “noise from (the turbine’s) 123-foot spinning blades” (Cardwell). In this article the other side of the debate was analyzed and viewed from the perspective of local citizens living near the turbines. Cardwell’s article reinforced Lorinc’s statement that turbines are an irritant to the population, and thus a potential problem for citizens living in the area.

In Cardwell’s article the turbine’s noise was merely described as an “irritant”, yet there were many other cases that associated the noise with a more prominent effect. Citizens began to report that, “apart from more serious ailments, residents have cited the swooshing of the blades as a factor in problems like disturbances in the vestibular system that affect the inner ear and balance” (Kaufman). This quotation shares one of the more extreme viewpoints on a wind turbine’s effect on a population. This irritating noise, described by both Lorinc and Cardwell, is now being considered a major threat to both hearing and balance, according to Kaufman. With this potential threat in mind, government agencies began to look further into the noise that a wind turbine exuded and found yet another shocking effect that a wind turbine’s noise may have on the human ear. In an article published online entitled, “Impact of Wind Turbine Sound on Annoyance, Self-reported Sleep Disturbance and Psychological Distress”, it was finally reported that “sound exposure was also related to sleep disturbance and psychological distress among those who reported that they could hear the sound, however not directly but with noise annoyance acting as a mediator” (Bakker). This new article, published in May 2012, finally shocked government officials into fully investigating these
harmful effects on humans that wind turbines may inflict.

This debate between whether or not a wind turbine can affect the human ear is still under investigation, and is still just as controversial in communities living near turbines. One major question is still left unanswered: how can this controversy be resolved? In my opinion, the way in which wind turbines are regulated needs to change. “Currently, “regulation” of wind turbines is done at the local level through local boards of health and zoning boards” (Wind Turbine Health). This quotation taken from an article published in the Massachusetts “Wind Turbine Health Impact Study” shows how turbines are regulated solely through local boards rather than through state governments. I believe that in order to resolve this debate, and remove populations from the potential harm of wind turbines, regulation must be placed into the hands of state governments. Even though local governments may focus on issues relating to their specific community, the state government holds a higher power, and can thus influence the regulation of wind turbines even more than at a local level of government.

Controversial is the one word that can fully describe just how strongly debated wind turbines are throughout the world. Between the research/evidence that is found both supporting and refuting the existence of the potential negative impact a wind turbine has on the human ear, this debate will always be a topic of interest to governments around the world. Many people may complain about the noises exuding from the swooshing blades, and journals may be scattered with the detailed observances of mental and physical impacts on humans through the turbine’s frequency. But, simply enough, “the impact of wind turbine noise on health and well-being has not yet been well-established and remains under debate. Long-term effects, especially, are not known, because of the short time wind turbines have been operating and the relatively few people who have so far been exposed to wind turbine noise” (Pedersen). So yes, people may debate all they want over this issue, but research into this field is on-going, and will continue until there is definitive proof of a negative impact on the human ear.

Works Cited

Bakker, R.H., E. Pedersen, G.P. Van Den Berg, R.E.
Stewart, W. Lok, and J. Bouma. “Impact of Wind Turbine Sound on Annoyance,
Self-reported Sleep Disturbance and Psychological Distress.” (n.d.): n.
pag. May 2012. Web. 19 Nov. 2012.

Bilski, Bartosz. “Factors Influencing Social
Perception of Investments in the Wind Power Industry with an Analysis of Influence of the
Most Significant Environmental Factor-Exposure to Noise.” Polish
Journal of Environmental Studies
(2012): 289-95. Print

Cardwell, Diane. “Neighbors Win Court Round Over
Wind Farm Noise.” Green Neighbors Win Court Round Over Wind Farm Noise Comments. New York Times, 23 Mar. 2012. Web. 19 Nov.
2012. <>.

Fernandez, Marcos D., Samuel Quintana, Jose A.
Ballesteros, and Noelia Chavarria. “Are Workers in the Construction Sector
Overexposed to Noise?” Noise & Vibration Worldwide 41.2 (2010):
11-14. Print.

Kaufman, Leslie. “Wind Turbines and Health
Hazards.” Green Wind Turbines and Health Hazards Comments. New York Times, 18 Jan. 2012. Web. 19 Nov.

Lorinc, John. “Study: No Health Impact From Wind Turbines.”
Green Study No Health Impact From Wind Turbines Comments. New York Times, 16 Dec. 2009. Web. 19 Nov.

Pedersen, Eja. “Health Aspects Associated with Wind
Turbine Noise—Results from Three.” Noise Control Engineering Journal (2011): 47-53. Web. 19 Nov. 2012.

“Wind Turbine Health Impact Study: Report of the
Independent Expert Panel.” Wind Turbine Health Impact Study. N.p., Jan. 2012. Web. 19 Nov. 2012.


Subsidies to Wind Energy

This is an interesting article from Monday's Wall Street Journal

It discusses the pros and cons of subsidies. I mean someone had to be on this blog making the case against subsidies.


Group 4 Wind Turbine Data & Analysis

Wing 1 Drawing

Figure 1: Power Curve

Figure 2: Pitch vs. Amperage (8.3 mph)

Figure 3: Pitch vs. Power (8.3 mph)

Notes from group:

The design for our blade was a triangle, in which the height of the triangle is 7 inches and the base width would change between 1 inch and 5 inches. We originally tested the blades at 8.3 mph and varied pitch, as shown by the latter two graphs. Due to the constraint of time, we had to retest for comparing wind speed vs. power at varying base chord lengths. It is clear that increasing the chord length increases power overall, generating the most power at any wind speed when the chord length is 4 inches.  The greatest amperage generated at 20 degrees of pitch, and slowly decreases overall for pitch greater than 20 degrees. There is a similar effect for the power generated, increasing dramatically at 10 degrees and having overall maximum at 20 degrees of pitch, and then slowly decreasing beyond 20 degrees of pitch. However, the 2 inch base chord showed a maximum at 30 degrees rather than 20 degrees, which differs from the behavior of the other chord length. It could be possible that for that length it is more optimal to have a higher pitch, or it could be a result of human error since the measured  pitch isn't completely precise.

Group 1

Figure 2- 3 Blades

Figure 3- 4 Blades

Figure 4- 6 Blades


Figure 5- Effectivness due to the number of blades

Group 1 Blade Test Data

Figure 1 Effective Number of Blades

Turbine Test Data – Tortolanni

Wind Turbine Analysis

Wind Turbine Data Analysis

Wind Turbine Data Analysis


By: Cameron Fowler, Donovan Dowers,

Harris Gordon, Brendan Cook, and Julian Cortez


Analyze the power generated from varying blade lengths as well as varying number of blades.



The blade design utilized in this experiment was a rectangular shape with width of 2in. and length varying between 4.25in and 8.25in. During testing, blades were kept at an angle of 15 degrees. After calibrating the fan for various wind speeds, blades were tested at four wind speeds: 7.3, 10.77, 11.67, and 12.2 mph. A power reading was measured at each speed, and it is used in the following analysis to demonstrate the varying powers obtained from different configurations.





Surprisingly, our data shows that smaller blades are able to produce larger amounts of power. The extremes of size show that the 4.25 in. blade are capable of producing greater amounts of energy at all wind speeds; whereas the largest blade of 8.25 in. produced the least power throughout. The three blade sizes in the middle are less conclusive and powers fluctuate above and below each other at different speeds.


The data gathered for the power curve of the 8.25 in. blade is inconsistent with the rest of the data, and it is removed from the following averages for the power curves comparing power produced from varying blade lengths.



This data is again surprising. The data shows that 4 blades actually produce less power at varying wind speeds, especially at higher wind speeds. The power for the two and three blade turbines fluctuate with the three-blade system producing more power at low and high speeds and the two-blade system producing the most power at the middle speed of 11.67 mph.



It is surprising to find that experimentally more power is obtained from smaller blades and less of them. This is surprising because the power available from the wind increases with the area of the wind swept through by the turbine blades. Ideally, one would then believe that bigger blades are better; however, our data shows that this is not the case. One possible explanation is that the longer blades are heavier and more difficult to spin. Consequently, more of the wind’s energy must be used to spin the blades themselves. The smaller blades have smaller moments of inertia and the wind can easily spin them allowing larger amounts of power to be obtained. This is also a possible explanation for the increased power from fewer blades. Fewer blades need less torque to spin them, and thus they generate more power. Another possibility is that the longer blades reach far enough out that they are close to the boundary layer of the sides of the box. This greatly limits the wind speeds reaching the tips of the blades. Perhaps different and more conclusive data may be gathered in the future by allowing the wind speed to go to even higher levels. Also the data could be improved by a more efficient system that had less friction forces, turbulence, and wobble.


Wind Turbine Blade Design and Testing Project

Wind turbine blade design and testing project

Brian Greco

Nathaniel Michener

Mike McNally

Patrick Husted

Daniel Kim


Blade Geometries:


The experiment used 3 rectangular blades with a constant width of 1.5 inches. From hub to tip, blades had span lengths of 5 inches, 7 inches, and 9 inches; the actual blade surface area was less because .75 inches were dedicated to the dowel attaching the blade to the hub. Change in pitch was also explored. With each span length, different pitches were tested for power output. The pitches tested: 5 degrees, 15 degrees and 30 degrees.  Thus, a total of 9 unique blade arrangements were tested at 5 different wind speeds.  Following are power curves comparing first the impacts of blade length at a given pitch, and next the impacts of blade pitch with a given length.



In the case of 5 degree pitch, 5 inch blades seemed to function best, with significantly better performance than the 9 inch blades.


A 15 degree pitch angle changed things; all three blade lengths were now closer in their performance and better than at a 5 degree pitch.


The 30 degree pitch caused a significant drop in performance across all three blade lengths; blade length seemed to have almost no effect whatsoever at this pitch angle.  Cut-in speed was better, however—the blades started moving in about 7 mph winds, which was only possible for the longer blades at lower pitches.


The 5 inch blades are interesting; the curves show a less-than-distinct trend.  At different wind speeds, different pitch configurations seemed more efficient.


The 7 inch blade curves are far clearer; the 15 degree pitch is the most effective, as expected.


The 9 inch blades show the same trend, with the 15 degree pitch power curve being best, but the blades pitched at 30 degrees are a close second.


Bulleted Lessons Learned:

●     Higher wind speeds at 9 inch span length caused potentially dangerous vibrations

●     The most optimal blade length and pitch was 7 in and 15 degrees

●     Longer blade lengths do not necessarily improve voltage or current generated; in fact, the 9 inch blades had the lowest power outputs

●     High pitches do not increase power output, but make cut-in speed lower; therefore, a turbine in a low-wind environment could function better with a pitch higher than 15 degrees, even though that is supposed to be the optimal angle

●     Variation in blade length at higher pitches shows no change in power output at this scale, and showed less-than-distinct trends at lower pitches as well; it was obvious that the 9-inch blades were worst

●     Longer, heavier blades still manage to have lower cut-in speeds, especially combined with high pitch angles

Fun in the lab

Cameron carefully assembling his blades 

Group 4 members testing their blades




Hope we can learn from each other

Hopefully everyone will feel motivated to share their findings on public policy or health concerns and how they impact the adoption of wind energy.