Monthly Archives: February 2015

Just Like Smith Barney, They “Earned it”

When an athlete joins the media herd it’s almost as if they have two strikes against them even before they start….It’s not uncommon for viewers/readers to come to the conclusion that the only way the player got the job was because he played the game (and had a recognizable face/name)…The second is that just because […]

Locker Room 101

Becoming a sports journalist usually comes in stages…Step one is when you figure out you can no longer hit the jumper, make contact with the curve ball or find the net…So you turn to something next best, covering the game…And with that you find some inherent problems…How am I going to do this job? , […]

Where Are We Now?

Sports journalism is like anything else these days, there’s some good news and some bad…Surprisingly , jobs are more plentiful now and finding them is even easier(getting them is another story for another day)…But let’s be clear, while there’s something for everyone, to be a “pro” at it takes time and creativity… So, when Scott Lauber […]