Monthly Archives: February 2016

ESPN, The World Wide Leader…

I sit here trying to write something scholarly about Rob King‘s visit to the B-U sports journalism seminar series and all I can think about it watching Steph Curry’s Saturday night performance against Oklahoma City AGAIN!!… I mean, i loved Oscar Robertson and still think he was one of the top ten all time players […]

You Talkin to Me?

You might not come face to face with  Travis Bickle in a professional locker room/clubhouse but overstep your bounds and a media relations person just might pull you aside…There are “rules of engagement”, so to speak, some are written, some not, but all come with experience on the job…. Take, for example, this sign posted […]

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly…

It may be the greatest western ever made but working in sports journalism can sometimes be just like the 1966 spaghetti western The Good, the Bad and the Ugly…There are highs, there are lows and there are things about it that are just plain awful….Sure you might get to a Super Bowl, a World Series, […]

It’s Okay to Be Wrong…

It’s okay to be wrong… It’s okay t0 post something and correct it later… You can always take it down (and that way it’s like it never existed)… Is this really the state of sports journalism in 2016?…It sure seems that way…I thought we had dealt with the issue of being accurate a long time ago […]