Hello New Players!

We were all very excited to see the new players at our first meeting of the season. We know the information may be slightly overwhelming but don’t worry. We’ll be there to help you!

Here’s a quick recap of what we discussed:

  • Practices: It would be best if you would show up to as many practices as you can. If you want to practice swimming or do swim sets, you can join the returning players on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
  • Fun-raising: In order for us to travel and compete in tournaments, especially the one in Florida on December 1-2, we’re going to work as a team to raise money. Plus, fundraisers are great team-bonding events. 🙂
  • Agganis Clean-Up: Mark your calendar for the Agganis clean up on December 8 at 9pm. We raise a lot of money and we need as many people to help out.
  • Dues: For this season, dues are $60. You can pay in cash or make the cheque out to BU Women’s Water Polo. Our treasurer, Shireen, will be collecting them from Sept. 27-30.

If you’re still unsure about joining, come to our practices and see if you like water polo. We’ll teach you how to egg beat or throw a ball in the water. You’ll be a water polo player in no time. See you guys on Friday!

First Meeting/Practice of 2012!

Thank you to those who came to our table and signed up during SPLASH! Please remember to come to our first meeting to get to know the team or to ask any questions. Here are some changes in the time:

Wed., Sept. 12: First meeting @ 7:30pm in L118 (the classroom next to the pool)
Fri., Sept. 14: First practice @ 8-9pm

Remember if you want this body or want to avoid freshmen 15, join water polo! See you then! 🙂

Game 5: BC v Coast Guard

_MG_4745BC has maintained a strong lead since the beginning of this game. BC is seeded 6th, Coast Guard 7th.

Heres the play by play starting at half time:

At half time, the score is 9-0, BC.

Number 13 of BC makes the first goal of the quarter.

Number 8 of Coast Guard makes the team's first goal of the game.

12 of BC makes a great low conner shot on the Coast Guard goalie, bringing the score to 11-1.

Game 4: Middlebury v Williams

This game started out pretty close, the two teams remained within a few points of each other but in the last quarter Williams pulled ahead, and maintained their lead. Williams is seeded fourth, and Middlebury fifth.

With one minute left on the clock, number 10 on Middlebury makes a goal. Middlebury's number 13 makes a fast break from the rest of the girls, but its number 6 who makes the last goal of the game.

Final Score: 14-9

Game 3: BU v BC!!

bu mans

The age-old rivalry wages on at Fit Rec this weekend as rowdy fans pack the bleachers to watch the BU-BC championship game. This was an important game for both teams as BC historically takes the win but this year, BU has come out on top. The Terriers narrowly beat BC last weekend with a final score of 5-4.

This time around the Terriers came out strong leading the game 4-0. As the crowd intensity picked up, so did the game. The score began to creep toward a tie, but BU never lost the lead. The highlight of the game was a goal from half-pool by sophomore  and starter Ashlee Amparan. Other highlights include a goal from Sophmore Liz Rubel.

The final score was 11-7, BU.

The Lady Terriers were so happy to have the support of the fans in the stands! Come out and support the girls tonight at 7:40 for their toughest game of the season, against Dartmouth.

Welcome to the Championship live blog event!


The first game of the day is Yale v Middlebury! It looks like its going to be a really close game here, the current score is tied as we go into the last quarter!

Yale is seeded first in the division, Middlebury fifth.

Here is the play by play of the final quarter of the first championship game:

Time out called by Middlebury

Number 16 on Yale just made a goal bringing the score to 10 -9 Yale.

Number 2 on Yale just made a goal bringing the score to 11-9- Yale.

A shot by Middlebury, but no goal.

Another goal by Yale, making the score 12-9.

Yale is really picking it up here- another goal by 21.

Middlebury called a timeout, with 4:40 left in the game and a score of 9-13.

Goal by number 2 of Yale the score is now 14-9, Yale.

Number 2 of Middlebury just got ejected, Yale called a timeout but no goal on the 6 on 5.

Goal by number 5 of Yale.

Number 4 of Middlebury scores bringing the game to 15-10- Yale.

Another Middlebury ejection, but no goal on the man-down.

A beautiful goal by number 5 of Yale, in what was almost a one on one with the Middlebury goalie.

A block of the left hand goal corner by Yale, a quick turnover and another block of the top right goal corner by the Middlebury goalie.

20 seconds left in the game!

The final score is: 16-10, Yale.

3-4 In the Last Tournament Heading into Championships

Last weekend the Lady Terriers competed at Middlebury, VT in the second league tournament on the season. The Ladies played incredibly well considering a very strenuous schedule.

The Lady Terriers beat Williams 10-7. The Terriers took a narrow victory against BC with a final score of 5-4.  The ladies pulled out another win against The Coast Guard Academy with a final score of 9-6. In the final game of the weekend, the girls suffered a loss to Dartmouth with a final score of 11-2.

The ladies will be playing for first place today at Boston University's Fit Rec! They are hoping the home team advantage will lead them to Nationals this year!

Come cheer the Ladies this Saturday and Sunday! And if you can't make it, you can keep up to date with our live blog!

Heres the schedule for the weekend:

New England Division Championship

Boston University, Boston, Mass.

Teams are divided into brackets based on their won/loss records during the regular season:

Bracket A
Bracket B

1st Seed - Yale

2nd Seed - Dartmouth

4th Seed - Williams

3rd Seed - Boston University

5th Seed - Middlebury

6th Seed - Boston College

7th Seed - Coast Guard

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Game No.
12:20 1st Seed - Yale
vs. 5th Seed - Middlebury
1:30 2nd Seed - Dartmouth
vs. 7th Seed - Coast Guard
2:40 3rd Seed - Boston University
vs. 6th Seed - Boston College
3:50 4th Seed - Williams
vs. 5th Seed - Middlebury
5:20 Loser Game 3 vs. Loser Game 2 5
6:30 1st Seed - Yale
vs. 4th Seed - Williams
7:40 Winner Game 2 vs. Winner Game 3 7

Sunday, April 22, 2012
Game No.

12:30 3rd in Bracket A vs. Loser Game 2 8
1:40 Loser Game 7 vs. 2nd in Bracket A Third Place
2:50 1st in Bracket A vs. Winner Game 7 First Place
4:00 3rd in Bracket A vs. Loser Game 3 11

Kick-Starting the 2012 Season With Some Wins!


The Lady Terriers started their season off right last weekend with three wins and one very close loss.

First, the Terriers went up against Dartmouth, who has had a very strong team for the past two years. In 2010 and 2011, Dartmouth and Boston College have contended for the title of League Champions. This weekend, the Terriers came out on top defeating Dartmouth with a final score of 9-5.


The Terrier's second game, Yale, was the toughest one of the weekend. The Terriers endured a tough loss to the Bulldogs with a final score of 9-8 but plan on making a comeback at the next tournament in April.

In the third game of the day, the Terriers took on Williams and came out with a win and a final score of 13-5. This was an especially satisfying win for the Terriers who were unexpectedly defeated by Williams at last year's Championship tournament.

The last game of the weekend against the newest addition to the New England Division, Middlebury, turned out to be a success for the Terriers who took the game with a final score of 11-5.

With such a strong start to the season, the Terriers are hoping to go all the way this year!

Senior Joanna Chan enjoys a well deserved post-game snack.
Senior Joanna Chan enjoys a well deserved post-game snack.

A special thanks to the Rubel family for hosting our team this weekend! Thank you so much opening your beautiful home to us!