Three Perspectives on Technology and Childbirth in America

Día 225: cabeza arriba y cabeza abajo (by Flickr user evaguein)

Thursday, September 3, 2009
4 PM, in the Women’s Resource Center, 775 Commonwealth Avenue
(in the George Sherman Union, lower level)
Boston MA — “BU Central” on the Green Line B-train

Panelists: Claudia Olivetti, Christina Michaud, and Eugene Declercq

Childbirth is the most common reason for hospitalization in the United States, and cesarean section is the most common form of major surgery. Yet childbirth also has significance for women’s sense of identity and our understanding of the meaning of family. This panel will offer a historical overview of the economic implications of technologically assisted birth, a discourse analysis of women’s birth narratives, and a public health perspective on birth practices and outcomes.

This event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served. Email for more information.

Sponsored by the Boston University Women’s Studies Program and the Faculty Network on Women’s Studies, Gender, and Sexuality

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