Okay, so the performance being reviewed in this article is really more of a dance-theatre piece (there’s no text involved) than a play, but I just couldn’t resist letting you guys know about this production.  First of all, the content of the show is an exploration of the landscape of dreams, which reminded me of the work that performance majors do in acting class freshman year (isn’t it funny how dreams seem to continuously provide material for compelling theatre?).   And second of all, the reviewer’s description of images and moments from the piece just swept me up completely and really sparked my imagination.  Go ahead, read the review, and tell me it doesn’t set you daydreaming about what it would be like to see this show.

One Comment

narbonne posted on February 24, 2011 at 12:17 pm

awww it does set me daydreaming about seeing it, being in it, and seeing you in it 🙂 <3

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