Classical Theatre…in the Country…

I post this link to Shakespeare & Company’s Hamlet Tour, educational outreach for a few reasons. One is that I want to be really up on Shakespeare & Company’s news because I want to play Juliet like none other, and they’re doing Romeo and Juliet in the summer of 2012. (Seriously, like if we’re talkin about jobs in the theatre, this is one that I want to get someday.) Also, I think its interesting to compare the end of the article “Educational Outreach” (all the funding they’re receiving from the NEA) to how little or no funding “indie theatre” or new small companies doing controversial/original/contemporary work are getting. Not to mention, I think its an interesting comparison to the latest blog posts about lack of jobs in the theatre….

Perhaps “theatre makers” have to find a channel through which to showcase their new, original work to the educational system of America and see if they can get on their feat thru educational outreach funding from NEA…maybe NEA thinks contemporary theatre has nothin’ on Shakespeare, but that’s too bad, I think young high school students need to see it all…

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