Fewer Theatre Jobs for our Generation

I think this article really sums up where most of us are/will be in the next few years. It talks specificially about problems in the theatre world in Britain and how that’s affecting emerging artists’ abilities to find work. It also poses questions on whether or not it’s worth spending so much time and money on degrees in the performing arts at the same time that the theatre world is holding onto seasoned actors, producing more conservative plays, and offering fewer employment opportunities. While it’s specific to Britain, I feel like similar things can probably be said about the theatre world in the US right now.


One Comment

narbonne posted on February 24, 2011 at 11:49 am

wow, that’s pretty scary, but i think it’s best to have a positive attitude, I particularly can’t waste energy thinking that my degree was not worth 150K or so because it can’t measure what I feel in my heart, but then again I’m a privileged young woman, and I’ve gotta face the facts. Thanks for posting this, it’s trying…

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