Tickle me Pink, Punch me Drunk

I am so so so so jealous I did not see this show while I was in NY, but it was there so here’s a shoutout.  Boston even gets an honorable mention in this article, Holla! 

This is theatre at it’s finest.  Why do we do theatre anyways?  Why hasn’t it died out while film and television grows with an alarming rate (not alarming, we need those jobs!)?  Because you can’t feel the energy in the room watching something on an LED screen like you can submerged in the real deal and that’s what Punchdrunk is all about.  This is a Designer’s dream.  Every one of the some 100 rooms is filled top to bottom with detail upon another detail.  The drawers open and have surprizes inside and the rooms even smell exactly how Punchdrunk wants them to.  It’s complete sensory emersion like I have never – wanted to have – witnessed before.


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