Blast into the Future

Sleep No More, as any of us can tell you who saw it in Boston, is an exciting experience which blasts open the possibilities for turning theater into a unique and active medium. In one positive review, it was described as “purgatorial maze that blends images from the Scottish play with ones derived from Hitchcock movies—all liberally doused in a distinctly Stanley Kubrick eau de dislocated menace.”

It occurred to me while reading this that interactive theater (especially this “menacing” sort) is a new take on the In-Yer-Face idea which we are reading now (Sarah Kane’s Blasted). Every so often, a change must take place in art which grabs the attention of people other than the artists; in the ’90s, that new thing was the explicit theater of Kane. Now, I believe, it is the Punch Drunk model of living the story.

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