Neruda Sonnet

I’m an unlikely source to post anything about love (much less a love poem), but I’m getting married in about a week and was charged with choosing the readings for the ceremony.  After slogging through the obligatory Biblical passages (I’m Catholic and my fiancee is Episcopal, which is kind of like Diet Catholic), I was told I could choose one non-religious piece.  I jumped at the opportunity and decided to choose a poem despite the fact that I know little to nothing about poetry.  I turned to one of my friends and MFA poetry colleagues, and after a few days’ deliberation, she offered me two options.  My favorite of the two is linked below: 

I like this poem.  I like its specificity and complexity.  Love—not reduced or sentimentalized—but described like the inscrutable mystery it is.   “Love is patient, love is kind.”  Fine.  Better: Love is strange, and I don’t quite fathom it.  It exists “between the shadow and the soul” and I look forward to a life striving to illuminate it.

One Comment

erh20 posted on May 31, 2011 at 8:01 pm

Diet Catholic, Lutheran Lite 🙂

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