Are there more than 36 assumptions?

How many of those articles we playwright’s love to pass around to each other actually impact our work?  Of all I’ve read and excitedly shared, Jose Rivera’s “36 Assumptions About Playwriting” is the one I go back to again and again, the one I refer to in discussion the most frequently, the one other playwrights most ask me to find for them after I’ve excitedly recounted my favorite assumptions.  If I write something where I’ve honored 8 or 9 of these, it’s a really strong piece for me.  I’m inching my through his fabled list with each new play… hmmmm… could I make it into the teens before I finish Illana’s dramaturgy class? Are the 20’s possible if I’m fearless?  Should checking off all  36 be the  last bullet point on my playwright’s bucket list?

If you haven’t yet read Jose’s assumptions, I’m excited to share them with you.  And, please, if you have a magic number 37, post it here!

One Comment

philschroeder posted on June 12, 2011 at 6:29 pm

These are terrific, extensive and draw out so many things…you’re right. Very hard to get to the end, there’s so much there to consider.

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