Handspring Puppet Company

I will be addicted to TED videos till the day I die, and here is an excellent one. It tells the story of the Handspring Puppet Company. You most likely know this company because of their amazing production War Horse on Broadway (which I have yet to see). This video brings some really cool insight into puppetry. For instance, when we see a hyena leap so realistically onto a table, why do we think it’s real? What are the most important parts of the hyena? The joints are wooden; the skin is clearly fabric. But the movement is so hyena-like. The hyena puppet breaths like a real hyena. In the movement and a few choice physical features lies the imagination.

The reason I know and love Handspring is because they are based in Cape Town, SA (a city I lived in for the last year), and I saw a lot of their genius work. My favorite of theirs that I saw was Ouroboros. This was a gorgeous visual and emotional experience, and coincidentally, a few of my friends were puppeteers. Handspring is a groundbreaking company that brings true pathos to the world of puppetry. Before I saw Handspring I assumed puppetry was only good for Punch and Judy, and maybe something colorful at a circus. The moment I started to cry during Ouroboros was when I first realized how expansive puppetry can be. They are a beautiful company. Here is a review of Ouroboros. Hope you enjoy!

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