Theo Jansen, a Kinetic Sculptor

Everyone should take a few minutes to watch this video. I found this video a few weeks ago and I haven’t stopped thinking about it in the back of my head. The artist is Theo Jansen who lives in Holland. He calls himself a kinetic sculptor. Basically, he creates, out of readily available plastic tubing, life forms that are powered by wind. He essentially works everyday on beaches in Holland to construct new species which don’t need to eat or drink but gather all their energy from the earth’s natural wind. He hope that these new creatures will one day live by themselves on these beaches! …. I know, what!? This guy is incredible! He is blending the artist and the engineer in to something incredible. Okay, if you haven’t watched the video by now, you should probably just  watch it. Man…it just continues to baffle me how amazingly innovative artists can be in the world. Tediously trying to get his own offspring (ah!) to move across the earth… the kind of patience and creativity and dedication it must have took is just so inspiring.  He knows that when these life forms become fully independent of him and he passes on that he will be able to live on the beaches through his art. Wow… If we could  all find this kind of passion in what we do – in everything we do. Slowing down. Testing silly ideas. Believing in something beyond what we see everyday.

I mean look at this other video!! Just one of the coolest things I’ve seen in a while.

“A part of me is an engineer who wants to map the progress of mobility. Another part is an artist who wants to sculpt the earth that surrounds us and give it shape. And always I strive to push the boundaries of what we know and what seems possible to us at this moment in time.” -Theo Jansen

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One Comment

kmjiang posted on October 19, 2011 at 10:26 pm

OH MY GOD this is so weird and so interesting and also kind of creeps.

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