Christianity vs. Theatre!

I just stumbled upon this article about a new play, “Sur le Concept du Visage du fils de Dieu” (“On the Concept of the Son of God’s Face”) playing in Paris right now.

The play, written by the internationally known experimental director Romeo Castellucci, follows the provocative story of a young man caring for his aged and uncontrollable father. Here’s some more articles about Castellucci as an artist and innovator of experimental theatre.

Anyways, in the play, there is this giant face of Jesus on the back wall, and at certain points in the play, Jesus cries giant tears of human excrement. At least that’s what I can gather from the descriptions I’ve read. And since this production opened in Paris at the Theatre de la Ville on Oct. 20th, there have been fundamentalist Christians protesting the play each night. And to be honest, I think I find this story so interesting because for once, I DON’T KNOW WHAT’S RIGHT IN THIS SITUATION!!! I believe in the experimentation of theatre and not creating boundaries for ourselves in art, but I also don’t believe in the slandering of religious figures (Do we all remember the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy?!?) Two things I truly believe in, going tete-a-tete against each other. Hmmm. Anyway, I think it’s fascinating and kind of wonderful that this kind of theatre is drawing a crowd, even if it is in protest. Glad to know people still care. I’d love to hear everyone’s thoughts about what they think is right/wrong/ok/whatever in this situation.

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