“The Show Must Go On”

The Royal Opera House has developed a game for the iPad/iPhone/iPod touch that lets anyone “step into” the world of stage management through five mini-games. The player keeps track of lights, props, scenic changes, costumes, and gathering lost sheet music. The app has both Royal Opera and Royal Ballet options. Chief Executive Tony Hall said that it will “excite people who don’t know about opera and ballet.” I haven’t played with the app yet, but from the description, I take issue with parts of it. The things the game has the player pay attention to does not encompass all of what a stage manager does. It completely ignores something I would have thought that it would touch upon: making sure we have actors/singers/dancers ready for entrances. If the developers really wanted to make an audience that probably has little to no understand of what a stage manager does more aware, I would also think that they would split the game into two. This way, players would be able to act as both stage manager and assistant stage manager. Having the ability to play both roles, I think the game could be more successful, and give more people a glimpse into the world of stage management. That being said, I do appreciate the fact that someone, somewhere, thought that there is a need for a stage management game. I know that when people ask me what I do, I sometimes struggle explaining it to them, because it feels as though we do so much and there is not an easy way to condense it. This app will answer some of those questions, along with having others experience some of the work we do.


One Comment

kmjiang posted on November 19, 2011 at 6:06 pm

What about the ability to like…interact with humans? Hard to automate that into a game.


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