Making Theatre More Accessible to Its Audiences

With all the buzz around this relatively new project, it is no surprise to theatre goers that “The Book of Mormon” is still the hottest ticket on Broadway. It is nearly impossible to get tickets. requiring audiences to purchase them for large amounts of money and way in advance. There isn’t even a student rush option, which would make the show more available to young theatre goers.

However, Trey Parker, Matt Stone, and Robert Lopez have decided to reconvene in the writing room in the “South Park” studio in order to make the show more available to audiences who don’t have the luxury of spending the money or trekking to New York City to see the hottest musical on Broadway.

I have been forever been a fan of South Park and when they released “Book of Mormon”, I knew it would be revolutionary…In the writing room, they have not yet had a moment to meet so they cannot fully disclose any information about this special episode that has fans anxiously awaiting its release. They have not yet decided whether or not it will feature musical numbers or whether crab people will be present. However, they said that despite the fact that it would be wonderful for them to make it more available to the public, another reason they are considering it is because “you always need to pay the bills…”

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